June 17 - International QRP Day

As some of you might know I always operate at QRP levels on my SOTA activations. To celebrate the International QRP Day I hope for a lot of 2-way QRP QSOs on my activation June 17.

I’m a G-QRP and QRP-ARCI member and a 2-way QRP QSO will count towards the Worked G-QRP club and Worked All ARCI awards.



It seems strange that International QRP day is a fixed date, rather than on a weekend. However, I have just read the SARL website to find out why.

I don’t see your Alert Mads - on what time and QRGs are you QRV? It would be nice to S2S with you, if I can arrange it.


In reply to M1EYP:

It seems strange that International QRP day is a fixed date, rather
than on a weekend.
I agree

I don’t see your Alert Mads
I have placed an alert now. It has to be a day time activation as the local radio club holds the annual summer barbecue in the evening.


OK Mads. I will not be available to work you, but hope you have an enjoyable activation.

73, Tom M1EYP

In reply to LA1TPA:Hej Mads
I will try to work you on both bands and will be an equally quiet signal in the noise. 5W into half wave dipole. Up till now I have only heard German stations working you on SOTA. But tomorrow… Jeg håber at tale med dig i morgen. 73 David M6WOW [GQRP 12764]

In reply to M1EYP:

I will not be available to work you, but hope you have an enjoyable activation.
Thanks Tom.



In reply to M6WOW:
I will listen for you David. My working conditions is FT-817 @ 5W and 88 feet doublet.

Jeg håber at tale med dig i morgen.
Det håper jeg også!



In reply to LA1TPA:Hej Mads
I will try to work you on both bands and will be an equally quiet signal in the noise. 5W into half wave dipole. Up till now I have only heard German stations working you on SOTA. But tomorrow… Jeg håber at tale med dig i morgen. 73 David M6WOW [GQRP 12764]