Jerry KG6HQD SK, a True Inspiration

It is with great sadness that I relay the passing of Jerry KG6HQD. Many of us know Jerry for his awesome SOTA YouTube channel. His videos are entertaining, informative, educational and exceptionally well done to say the least. Jerry fought a long and valiant battle with cancer.

Jerry’s goal had always been to achieve his MG by going to different unique peaks for each activation. His last SOTA at summit #104 was in August of 2019, giving him 657 points. Jerry always enjoyed having his four-legged canine friend with him on his SOTA treks.

Jerry was an Army veteran, having served with the 101st Airborne Division (Screaming Eagles), and he was a Lieutenant on a police department in Southern California. He was a member of SOTA LEOs (WA6LE) and the PAPA System (a So Cal repeater club/association). First and foremost, Jerry was a dedicated family man.

I never met Jerry face to face, but we had several interactions. His videos and answers to my questions were a true inspiration to my early days of SOTA. He would probably just remember me as a newbie that he chatted with occasionally, but for me, I feel that I lost a close friend.

Godspeed and 73 Jerry!



Sorry to hear that Jerry KG6HQD is now silent key. My condolences to his family.

Jimmy M0HGY


I was able to meet Jerry several times when we were both activating in the San Gabriel Mountains above Los Angeles. We would have an S2S on 2 meters and afterward get together along Angeles Crest Highway. My last meet with Jerry was during the Saturday morning before Field Day of 2019. I was set up in the mountains of the Los Padres National Forest. I chased Jerry on four different summits in the area and then he came by my “secret” FD spot with his dog. We had a couple of 807s and talked about other interests we had in common besides ham radio.

Jerry’s dozens of professional looking YouTube videos, often set to music, have been viewed by many to enhance their knowledge of SOTA and amateur radio. “CQ SOTA CQ SOTA from KG6HQD” will be missed.

Scott WA9STI WA6LE (Club Call)


Very sad news; many of his videos inspired me in my early SOTA days. I had noticed he had not posted new content for a long time. RIP.


This is indeed tragic news. I too learned from his videos. RIP my fellow Public Safety Brother.
Tim - K5DEZ


Very sad news. He fought a hard battle with his Family at his side. Jerry was a great guy and my friend. I first encountered Jerry when he was on Santiago Peak for his first activation. I was number 4 in his log with a 2 meter FM contact. Eighteen days later I was making my first activation at South Lake Tahoe on 2 meters FM. I heard a familiar call come back to my CQ, it was Jerry. He was also number 4 in my log of my first activation. That is when we became friends. I have enjoyed his SOTA videos and I am honored to be in one when I had the opportunity to activate a couple of summits with him and his dog. Jerry, Charles KM6CEM and I activated San Gabriel Peak and Occidental Peak back in December of 2017. We got to know each other better and had a great time. A memory I will always cherish. SOTA has lost a great friend. My Condolences to his Family. Rest in Peace my Friend I will miss you.


Sorry to hear that sad news about Jerry.
He and his videos was a true inspiration…
Rest in peace Jerry😔

Stefan DG4RBS

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Sorry to hear the passing of Jerry I enjoyed his videos and his enthusiasm for the speaker wire antennas and banter with others in the comments re this antenna.
Condolences to his family and friends.
Ian vk5cz …

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