It's time for.... the 2024 10m Challenge. (Part 6)

Felicidades, El! Congrats on the nice DX log, Armin.

Things have been improving here on the west coast after a dreadful 10 meter summer.
Shown is yesterday’s map.

What a difference! Just a few weeks ago I was begging stations on 2 meters to QSY to 10 to qualify a summit. And one evening last weekend I lucked out by tuning across the only signal on the band, a local testing a new antenna. Yes, he came back to me.
It was a thrill to copy JH1MXV calling PY2GUT today and hearing both stations. I hope they were able to complete the QSO.
The NH7T EU CW pileup was intense, and I heard ZS1C calling in.
5R and V5 and many EU were heard on SSB plus several CA and SA signals.
Thanks to ZL3GA and 7M4QZE/1 for my first overseas S2S QSOs since Spring.
KX3 at 5 watts and a half square made from CAT5e single twisted pair on my “home” summit, Flint Peak, W6CT-225.
72, David N6AN


Sunday 22 September 2024, 37 10m QSOs (21 SSB & 16 FT8) from Mt Stromlo VK1/AC-043, IC-705 at 6 to 10 watts output into a halfwave coaxial vertical, aka flowerpot antenna mounted on a 9 metre telescopic fiberglass pole.

FT8 reception checked earlier today (19 hrs after the activation)

73, Andrew VK1AD


Yes, 10m conditions have definitely improved!

Two days ago I did an afternoon activation to my nearby one-pointer summit HB/SO-015, POTA CH-0108 and 10m was really in good shape!

This was my yield with 10W SSB and my compact EFHW in inverted-L configuration (many of the 73 contacts are not shown on the map):

73 Stephan


10m good today. Around 1200Z I could hear 2x VK6 near Perth on 10m. Around 53 SSB. But they were chatting waiting for someone to meet them on air and I could have shouted “break” but sometimes you just need to let people have their skeds without disrupting it just for the tick in a box.


2nd 10m opening this week between VK1 and VK7, just chased Gerard @VK2IO at VK7/SC-083. The direct path is 855 km for a new unique on 10m but also a first activation of the summit by Gerard.

On Tuesday 5 November Gerard had a 10m sporadic E opening at VK7/SC-001 lasting a couple of hours. Similar distance at 854 km and a 5-8 report.

Thanks Gerard.

Andrew VK1AD


What is the last day to upload the logs for the 10 m challenge 2024 to the database to be considered for the challenge listings?

Tnx 73, Markus

Well let’s say January 6th for the uploads to be in place.