It's time for.... the 2024 10m Challenge. (Part 1)

Ah! Venisonburgers, yum!

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To answer your question seriously Richardā€¦

Vote? No. But there was a poll sometime back and one of the pieces of info we (SOTA MT) learnt is the people taking part donā€™t want SOTA to be a contest and they donā€™t want winners/losers. We could have ignored that but it seemed a large enough input that we did listen and we stopped having anything with a winner.

There will be 10m honour rolls that, once live, will update after each time you submit your logs. So you will be able to check your own score in the challenge. Theyā€™re sorted by callsign per association because if they were sorted by score then weā€™d be identifying who was winning.


Hi Andy
Great! OK I will let JA SOTA members know about this challenge. Yesterday I activated JA/YN-033 and made 6 QSOs on 10m band, although 17m 2QSOs and 15m 1QSO, 12m 1QSO. 10m is effectively working under Cycle 25. Thank you for nice event plan in 2024.


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I think I know the answer, but just for clarity: Do I need 1 QSO on 10 meters or 4 QSOā€™s on 10 meters to qualify as a 10 meter activation?


Scoring for activators:
For every unique summit you activate on 10m you get a multiplier.
For every unique chaser you work you get 1 activator challenge point.
Your final score is activator challenge points * multipliers."


All the other honour rolls are sorted by score so why is the 10m challenge different?

Yes. One QSO is an activation.


I donā€™t really understand that eitherā€¦

But wellā€¦ as a German, Iā€™m always having one thing or another translated on the wwwā€¦ and sometimes I canā€™t really say whether thatā€™s correct.

I understood the 20 year challenge as a ā€œcompetitionā€ and thought there was a list that was sorted by points (like the others) ā€¦ and the first 20 received a certificate. - I then planned my activations.
Until the end I believed that a score would be published at some point. I had assumed that at some point a final date would be published for entry into the databaseā€¦ and then it would be evaluated and publishedā€¦ and the best 20 can download a certificate.

Even without any ambition to win, I would have wanted to see my points in comparison and perhaps gain a few places. I can imagine that others feel the same wayā€¦ and that this could help increase activations.

I donā€™t think there are any stubborn fighters hereā€¦ and if they are, they should do itā€¦ but I think a little bit of sportsmanship is good.

73 Armin


Yes, for a summit reference to be counted as a multiplier, then at least one of the QSOs in the activation would need to be on 10m.


REALLY LOOKING forwards to this.

Nice to see and work Sotas on 10m more often of late and brought in a pair of nice ones in for newbies for me from Brazil and South Africa. All being well bring in more during 2024.

Hopefully me in planning, the 3 El spiral type quad beam be in operation as well being another version of the FW quad one has been planning of late.

Best laugh got the 2 el 10m Moxon to play with the the above Sotas wkd, were off the wire HB FW Delta loop for 40m LOL.



10m FM contact from Florida (USA) to Florida via a Swiss repeater!

Details here ARRL Letter



This was good timing as Iā€™m currently building a moxon for 10m

Thanks to MM0OPX. Iā€™m tweaking it slightly but the basic idea looks good.


Yes, experience of summits suggests it needs to be stiffer or quite a lot the typical winds will collapse it. Assuming you can deploy it. Thatā€™s OK as unless youā€™ve tried SOTAing, or been to our VHF contest site near the sea, you donā€™t really appreciate what the wind can do. There again Iā€™m happy to be shown to be wrong and it will stand up well. Not sure about stainless steel wire. Again, someone will know better.

It was all going well till he said ā€œobviously weā€™ve got an SO-239 on the endā€ and I stopped the video :roll_eyes:

I like the way of arranging the centre though, thatā€™s really quite clever.


So far Iā€™m using different wire, coax, plugs, spacers & mast. Weā€™ll have to see about how wind resistant I can make it. Being restricted to lovely sunny wind-free days isnā€™t the end of the world though :wink:


One question, (perhaps I know the answer) if unique activator activated in different area or region, is it countable as different call.

JA1CTV activated in JA association and JA8 association using JA1CTV/1 and JA1CTV/8 for each. Is it countable as 2 challenge points?

In same if I activated UK and IOM summits using M0ITP and MD0ITP, will chaser get 2 points?

Just for my better understanding and distribute the rule in JA SOTA members.



A chaser can only get points once per day for the same summit. For example, if there are two operators on the same summit together, chasers only get points for the first QSO. The second QSO should be logged but the Chaser get no points.

But Iā€™m not quite sure what you mean with the M(D)0ITP question. If you are on a summit on the Isle of Man you should be using MD0ITP. However, given the proposal to make Regional Designators optional I suppose you could use your ā€œEnglishā€ :slight_smile: callsign but as an activator you still wonā€™t get any more points.


Theyā€™re not the challenge rules though John, they the normal rules and not applicable to the challenge.

As in all challenges, the scoring for the challenge is outwith the normal SOTA scoring. As before you enter all your logs, your Activator/Chaser honour roll scores will update depending what you log. In addition, you have a challenge score which is scored using the rules given higher up this thread.

As for Toruā€™s question, the answer is Iā€™m not sure but will look at what we did last time and let you know the answer.


Hi, my question is, if I activated at two unique summits in England and IOM in different day, can chaser get 2 x 2 or 2 x 1 (Multiplier x Challenge point) in a year?



I think thatā€™s one for the MT and the ability of the database to work out the different callsigns are the same person. :slight_smile:

But does it matter? Just enjoy the activations. :slight_smile:

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It will be, for the chasers, a new unique activator callsign so count as a new multiplier.

For activators, the callsign you use wonā€™t matter because multipliers are unique chaser callsigns.


Hi Andrew
Thanks, got understand.


As I see it, if any participant achieving some defined threshold score can claim a certificate (or whatever) for doing so, regardless of other participantsā€™ scores, then it isnā€™t a competition even if participants are listed in order of score. If, however, one participantā€™s ability to claim a certificate is affected by another participantā€™s score (e.g. if only the top scorer could claim, as was the case for the 12 metre Challenge) then itā€™s a competitionā€¦ :person_shrugging: