Isla La Graciosa

I was prepared:

But: I didn’t need it on 01/02/24, Montaña Amarilla, AE8/LA-027. You don’t have to rent a mountainbike to go to the summit. Just a long walk of 1 1/2 hour, and a mixture of following one of “the offroad highways” (no asphaltic roads on the island) and cross country.

The view on the top is spectacular:

Again, I was glad I could use “a support” for the antenna. Be careful: there is sign of “no pasar” at 100m. on the approuch of this point. (Why? A deep cliff close to the marker).

Just 6 QSO’s and “radar QRM” on my choosen frequency. After 30 minutes I started my descent. My activation time was short, because I was careful not to damage my equipment by the strong wind on the top.

The boattrip is an adventure on it’s own because of the very strong current between the islands.

I do it again in a few days, for my last activation in this region: Agujas Grandes (EA8/LA-023).

73, ON4ROB


Your pictures brought back memories. Sorry I wasn’t around to chase.
