Is Tryfan a 3000'er?

I put the link on 'cos I recalled it had some decent photos. However, looking at it, I was remembering the 2005 pics, rather than the following year. Here are those:

I very much look forward to having the Tryfan expedition pics on my site. After Tryfan, we will head (the longer more graded way) to Glyder Fawr NW-003. Also hope to manage Y Garn NW-004 in that trip, but a decision will have to be taken then on whether to squeeze Elidir Fawr NW-005 in, or to descend to Ogwen.


In reply to M1EYP:

Tryfan, to Glyder Fach to Glyder Fawr, camp at Llyn y Cwn under the stars

Y’Garn to Elidir Fawr and then return through the Mushroom Garden, to avoid all the other walkers…

A great walk for a weekend