Invalid Activation 2020-5-16 VE6 / JS-010 (Black Mountain)

I did a second activation of this summit yesterday to discover my first activation was a few meters outside the activation zone. Sorry chasers, I deleted the log from my first activation.


How can you tell? - fred

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Fred, I went back yesterday with a more detailed map and GPS and found I was about 20 meters out of the zone the first time. Bad luck because both trips were pretty miserable bushwhack in deep snow at times.

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do you know the proverb … shouldn’t you be more Catholic than the Pope? … amon opinion you deserve it fully …

after so much effort!


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R … I find it very hard to be precise. The altimeter isn’t able to discern the 80 feet. I have stood in one place and watched it go up and down 150 feet in five minutes hi hi. The topo map and knowing where I am on it has been the most reliable thing for me as well. Fortunately, in most cases, the top is readily accessible. 73 fred


Fred, I noticed you have done some activations near Santa Fe. Keep your eyes open for my brother on your journeys, he works for the Game and Fish in Santa Fe and is often in the Pecos Wilderness.