International SEAN Weekend

Our friend Sean M0GIA, recently SK, had the idea for International SOTA Weekend back in 2009. This was before DX S2S were commonplace, as is the case now. The events were very successful, achieving widespread participation and lots of international and DX S2S QSOs.

I propose an “International SEAN Weekend” for the first weekend in May (which is when International SOTA Weekend used to be). Sean M0GIA was an enthusiast for the quarter wave vertical with elevated groundplane antenna, with 20m being the band of choice.

DX S2S contacts and groundplane antennas did not originate with M0GIA of course, but I am convinced that his enthusiastic promotion of both was influential to many of us, and left a legacy that can be seen today.

So let’s have lots of activity on 3-4 May 2025, 20m CW/SSB, using quarterwave verticals with elevated GPs - aiming for that distant horizon for the DX S2S.

I’ve posted my Alerts - hope to see many more!


I’ve booked the weekend in my calendar. Hoping to try for both days.
Looking at Gun, Longridge or Easington for one of the days and probably Billinge for the Sunday.

Billinge for both if weather is moist.

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