Incorrect spot callsign on GW/NW-042 today

Thanks to the chasers today on GW/NW-042 but I made a mistake on the spot :blush: I still had MM0PDV/p set up on SOTA Goat from last week, instead of MW0PDV/p so the spot went on as MM0PDV/p. So it looks like the chases logged from the spot, have been logged as MM instead MW. If you chased me today can you please check your chaser log entry.
Sorry for the inconvenience


MW7MWZ and 2E0JDQ need to fix their logs

I’ll will sort that now!




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Good to get a s2s (from G/WB-002) with you Paul yesterday on your rather busy activation of GW/NW-042 with summits calling you from all round. Tx for taking the call and from M0JLA but I must say that I had immense difficulty in copying down your call sign despite hearing you repeat it to other callers several times. I did, very long ago, get a 120wpm shorthand certificate (by a fluke) but the speed at which you rattled off your call sign was way above that. Could you please slow it down a bit now and again - especially with summits when the caller may be battling with a large mast just behind (Brown Clee is well known for this) and have slightly elderly ears under some very warm earflaps! Think it was our first contact and I look forward to subsequent ones. Keep on climbing those hills!
73 Viki M6BWA

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Hi Viki, thanks for the S2S yesterday, and thanks for the reminder to speak slower, I was regularly reminded at work, especially by my international colleagues, but now retired there is nobody to check me :joy:


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