Incorrect location for GW4TQE/P on 9/11/2014 GW/NW034

John GW4TQE/P has contacted SOTA to report an incorrect location.

Apologies to you and MW0JLA/P, GW8RAK/P and MW0RKD/M who I worked on 9/11/14 supposedly from Cyrniau Nod (GW/NW-034). I was not at this location but near Stac Rhos at SH972277. Bad navigation on my part. Could you post on the errors part of the reflector site for me. I am awaiting access to this site. Apologies again.

Posted by Rob G0HRT

Thanks John and Rob for this notice. S2S and chaser logs updated. Thanks to you both for the contacts on a not very pleasant activation. With a 250 mile round trip you have to make the most of the weekend.

Bad luck on that. It all looks pretty similar on the map and I know it all looks very much the same on the ground, even in good weather. GPS is the key when the ground is as lumpy as that. Hope to speak again soon.


There are those who, having found that they had accidentally operated from outside the AZ, would have kept their mouths shut. John earns respect by doing the honourable thing!
