Impromptu Joint Activation on W7W/WH-001

Sunday was a great day to head up one of Washington’s beautiful glaciated volcanoes, Mount Baker, W7W/WH-001. This mountain is only activated an average of 2 or 3 times a year as it requires technical glacier travel skills, but it is an excellent mountain for those who do have the ability!

I made my way up via the Easton route this past Saturday and Sunday, and upon reaching the summit block I turned on my HT and clipped it to my harness while we went to the high point to celebrate and take pictures before starting my activation.

As soon as I walked onto the summit, I heard the question that I’m sure a lot of us are familiar with, “are you a ham radio operator?” To my surprise though, the person asking was holding an HT! At nearly the same moment as me, Vlad, OM1AL also reached the summit. We exchanged greetings right as the person I was waiting for, Kyle KK7LHY started his activation of another major W7W volcano, Glacier Peak. Vlad and I both got our V2V (volcano 2 volcano) and another W7W VHF S2S before he continued with a very productive VHF activation and I got out my KH1 to activate the mountain on HF for the first time.

Despite a lack of views due to wildfire smoke it was a great day to be on the mountain and what a wonderful coincidence to run into a fellow SOTA’er on top!


Haha I would’ve guessed the other activator was someone in your climbing party, that’s fun to make a new ham friend on the summit! I’m stoked that the timing, weather, route conditions, etc. worked out for our V2V. It felt like a real party on the air with our quadruple S2S group! Always a pleasure to have a contact with you Nathan, Tim, and Vlad!

Glacier Peak really kicked my butt, or rather my feet - they are rather blistered after the long approach/deproach which I (unwisely) chose to do in new mountaineering boots. Views were awesome though!

(Detailed route beta available on Peakbagger)


Thanks for your report with great photos.

73 Geoff vk3sq

I was wondering how your trip went with that approach! I’ve attempted it twice and turned around both times for different reasons but that’s a heck of a trip for an overnight. Hopefully I’ll be up there soon to get us both our completes!

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