Importing activator log into Log4OM

I’ve been asked how to export an activator log from the database and import into Log4OM by a user. I don’t use Log4OM. Can someone who has done this reply with the steps so I can get them to the person in question.


LOG4OM has built in support for SOTA. I have not used the new Version 2 software yet - a quick look and I decided to continue with the earlier version. My first suggestion is to ask the person which version of LOG4OM is in use.

For Version 1 of the software, Instructions on how to import a csv file are on page 152 of the manual.
User downloads Results from the SOTA database as a csv file.
In LOG4OM, Go to “Utilities” menu, then select “Statistics & Awards”
Open the “AWARDS” tab.
At the bottom of the screen that opens, Click on “Import SOTA CSV”
Select the downloaded file by clicking “Open” in the “Import SOTA” window.
Click “Merge/Import SOTA file”
Once the import is complete, close the window.

A quick look at Version 2 reveals that the likely import path would be by converting the SOTA csv file to ADIF, then using “File” - “Import ADIF”, although the manual says it has full SOTA support. There is a section around p99 that talks about CSV import when talking about Confirmations, using IOTA as an example. There does not appear to be a dedicated section in the manual for SOTA as was present in the manual for the earlier version.

Good luck,
Peter VK3PF

Hi Peter

There is a CSV import for the SOTA CSV file its in the SOTA awards window of the latest release of Log4OM V2 this has been and continues to be rigidly tested by an avid SOTA activator/chaser in Switzerland.

There is also a SOTA CSV export as well as an ADIF export for SOTA uploads, plus the hyperlinks to SMP and automatic update of the SOTA summit list.

Terry G4POP


I accept that the support is there, but how to use that support is far from transparent… The new system is very different from V1, so much so that I have, for the moment, given up on trying to use the new version.

In V1, once you knew the pathway/method, it was simple. The Manual had information on “how to” that were specific to SOTA and they were built around (I guess) inbuilt translators for SOTA.

V2 seems to present me with dialogs which require me to set up the matching between fields and personally I find it far from clear - perhaps why Andy was asked to assist by another user. And I find the “manual” for V2 hard to find anything that is of assistance for SOTA, especially if dealing with an Activator log. I find references in the manual that SOTA is supported, but I found no section/s which specifically explains “How to…” which were present in the V1 Manual.

One might have anticipated that a log program that “supports” SOTA would have the Import and Export translations, for both Activator and Chaser, already built in and therefore made the task for the SOTA operator very simple. Instead I get a dialog where the field names are confusing (to me) and do NOT appear to automatically allow a simple import of an Activator log in CSV format from multiple summits… I finally found under “Award statistics” set to SOTA a predefined config with options for ACTIVATOR, CHASER and S2S, but still get presented with a dialog that appears to require me to configure the translations but without all of the fields required to correctly translate.

I watched a couple of videos this afternoon trying to figure it out, but they did not really assist with the initial question in this thread: importing into Log4OM an Activator CSV exported from the SOTA database.

For now, I am continuing to use V1, and at present not bothering with Log4OM for Activator logs - rather simply uploading those logs direct to the SOTA database and to no other log database. Many of us are not gurus with database systems!.

I am try not to be negative, rather simply stating that it is far from simple to transition from V1 to V2, and that, for me, V2 is requiring far too much time for the transition. OK, I am not a database guru, but surely the logging program should be able to import the critical information, all of which is in the CSV log file. If I was an Activator, the CSV file includes my call, location, SOTA reference, brief contact details and S2S contact details. But I cannot see how to do the import in a simple process…


Peter VK3PF

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It sounds like you have an old version of the user guide, because I added a large SOTA section some time back, if I recall is near the IOTA section because the routines are similar, please download it again.

Because development and changes to Log4OM V2 during the early months of its release are frequent the user guide is updated most days and sometimes more than once a day so its always a good idea to download a fresh version.

We made the import routine more flexible and in line with other database import routines. it allows specific import fields to be matched to the SOTA fields because often imports were coming from other logging programs, some of which handled the data differently to ADIF, SOTA and Log4OM.

Its a simple drag and drop to match the incoming field data to the Log4OM SOTA fields but when I get time I will make another video illustrating that.

I am sorry you dont like version 2, its taken us nearly 3 years to develop and we are endeavouring to support SOTA as we have always done!

However version 1 will be available for some time, although only benefitting from maintenance updates, so you can continue with the old version if it suits your needs.

BTW We have permission from Markus HB9BRJ to use his data as displayed in the image above.

73 Terry

Log4OM supports a lot of awards. Import and export for specific awards are subject to specific restrictions, coding and other requirements.
Log4OM, to the date, has a flexible import mechanism that allow users to import CSV from their preferred awards in a flexible way with configurations that can be saved and reused. This is, with eventually some exceptions, our work method: all awards share the same capabilities, and specific capabilities to import/export/manage data once made for an award can be reused on every other.
This is, obviously, a bit more complex for us to be developed…

For SOTA import we are facing some troubles as the “band” is not expressed in a standard method but in MHz (es. 14MHz for 20m band) so we are building a conversion table. Once done we will release an updated version updating the user manual right after.

I agree with you Peter that a logging program should be easy and straightforward, but Log4OM is supporting (at our best) the SOTA program but it’s not a “SOTA ONLY” application. In that scenario we can’t, where possible, write direct import routines for SOTA CSV files (on the other side we wrote direct export routines specific for SOTA) as we’re trying to use and evolve the generic engine we made.

It’s not perfect, but we’re trying to make it even better each day. It’s complex? yes, it require a bit of application on some peculari functions that require a good knowledge of what the application is about to do, in order to be able to understand what the application is doing.

Best 73
Daniele IW3HMH

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Hi Terry & Daniele,

I will check for updates and review the new Manual.

I really appreciate the work involved for all the team members for those of us that choose to use the program. I accept that there are many challenges for the design/software team. I applaud your efforts and extend my thanks to the team.

Perhaps I am not a typical activator… In September and October last, I activated 32 summits over nine days - perhaps an intensive effort, but it earned me 259 Activator points (including the bonus points). These were all in the one Association, but in theory could have been in several Associations.

In an ideal world, my main logging program could cope with importing a V2 SOTA csv format file for the 32 activations in a single, simple process which recognised my callsign used on each summit, the summit details, QSO details and any S2S or chaser contacts contained in the single log file, without having to break it down into single activations. After all, all the key information is in the SOTA V2 file (or the download from the SOTA database) in a defined format/s. All that should be required is a routine/process to interpret the SOTA V2 (and/or the download format from the SOTA database) and automatically translate and import…

I shall continue to keep watch the developments on Log4OM V2 program and shall explore the manual further when I have the energy.

I thank the team for their efforts to improve the support for SOTA operators.


Peter VK3PF

Hi Peter, yes, it’s what we plan to do.

It is a great application imho! Thank you for your time and dedication :+1:

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Afternoon All,
Has there been any further development re importing entire activator logs into Log4OM please?
I am using Log4om 2 V2.34.0.0
The user guide says that it is a merge function for existing records, not an entire log entry if I have interpreted this correctly.
I am a recent convert to electronic logging, and have paper logs going back to the beginning of my SOTA activations. Looking for an easy import of the activation csv files into the logging software if it is possible.

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The easiest option is likely to convert your activations using ON6ZQ | SOTA / SOTA to ADIF log converter
into adif. And then import the adif into Log4OM

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Thanks Joe :slight_smile:

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