Important: S57CI


Your email is not working.

I have reset your password on the database on at least 3 occasions but if your email does not work you will not receive the new password.

Please fix your email and contact me.

Database Manager

(I’ll remove this thread once contact is made.)

In reply to MM0FMF:

Bumped to bring back up. Still no contact.

Andy, MM0FMF
Database Manager

(I’ll remove this thread once contact is made.)

In reply to MM0FMF:

"Hallo, my new email is "

Is this the email address you have Andy?

Mike G6TUH

In reply to G6TUH:

It doesn’t matter what email address I have if I don’t get a response.

I still have not had any response regarding requests for a password refresh.

I do the support of the database for free. All I expect is an acknowledgement so I know when problems have been resolved. For 99.9% of cases this is the case. In fact I receive unsolicited thanks all time and that’s wonderful, really makes my day when that happens.

But it’s hard to know a problem is fixed if you don’t get any reply.
