Illigal Sota Activations In Period Of Lockdown In Greece

Hello Dear Sota Friends,

The Last Two Months With General Lockdown In Greece We Spectate Some Illigal Activations.
How this activations can corfirmed From The Managers The Database.
And The Same Time Limits That We Can Move Is Inside The Municipal…

Best Regards,
Efthymios Nikolaou


hello Dear Makis SV2HSY
The same think i have seen last days from Operator Stavros SV2RUJ durring illegal Activations outside of Municipal borders with no permission the permission exist only for Hikkers Climping and Moutaineering only for Municipal borders, perhaps the Manager and the Regional Mannagers do something about this problem.
best regads de SV2HSZ…HNY 2021


If AMs and RMs inform the MT of illegal operations then the MT will delete them from the database. However, the MT can’t take action without local information since it is virtually impossible to keep informed of lockdown regulations in every SOTA country.


Hello Dear Mike SV2HSZ & OM Brian G8ADD,

Thank You Both For The Reply.
Yes,These Activations isn’t Fair during The General Lockdown.
So,i wait to see if AM’s and RM’s inform the MT about these activations
and if the MT act immediately.Is not Fair,there are and other operators who want to make activations,but during the general lockdown they can’t or cancelled all Activities.Not only SOTA but and other /P and any other outdoor activity.Really my Friends Is This Ham Spirit?
For me the Best think is to act the general SOTA management team.

Best Regards With Healthy & Happy 2021,
Efthymios Nikolaou


The last two messages was deleted by me.The reason?the person that has us xesmenous (the person who does not care for others) already read them and new immediately that was for him…I am so sorry for people who does not care for friendship…