Idea: Broadcast spot information using FT8 free text for s2s or off-grid chasers

I appreciate s2s calls and want to do the same, but, to my surprise, most summits I have visited have no reliable cellphone service even it’s only a few miles away from civilization. Without accessing to spot information, chasing becomes time-consuming.
If we have a few stations broadcasting spot information, that will help a lot. e.g.
KN4OK 10124
KC4M 10124
N3HXZ 210558

Every 10min, the broadcast stations send “DE [CALL]” to identify itself.

The details can be ironed out, but I would like to see if this idea is worth more than 2¢ :slight_smile:


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I should have mentioned that most CW radios support SSB and iFTx can do the decoding through speaker or earbud nicely.

For S2S I find it too much effort.

But for spots already invented:.

APRS2SOTA supports the request of spots too.

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sotamat can send spotme through FT8 reliably, but to get 2-way service, you need email(cellphone or inreach)
APRS2SOTA doesn’t work when there is no repeaters around.

I understand that. But the effort for some S2S is just too much from my point of view.

You can setup a portable ARPS Igate at a place with phone coverage.

Or use the Iridium pagers. Those can also work with APRS2SOTA.

What carrier do you have? I have cell service on almost all of the bay area summits.
In fact, I can’t remember the last summit where I didn’t have enough service to at least send a text.

Actually, most CW radios don’t support SSB.

sorry, I meant most CW radios support ssb rx (KX1, KH1, QMX(tx+rx), etc.)

I use h2owireless(using AT&T network I believe).
Regardless, for most area in Sierra Nevada that I plan to go this summer, there is no cellphone service.
Yes, I have inreach, it’s useful but not fun :wink:

Most of my CW radios don’t support SSB RX either