I/LO-xxx evening post-work

Hi Guys,
tomorrow evening, I will try to activate one summit near Lecco, I will choose which summit according to weather and time available. Plan A, 16mt wire and 80-60-40-30-20 cw-ssb. Plan B, 145.500 FM. more info on sotawatch I will update tomorrow afternoon. see you on air! 73


Yesterday afternoon, me and my friend Andrea ended up choosing for Mt Resegone alias Mt Serrada I/LO-177. we reached the forcella di Olino by car at 17:00 utc and we started to walk quickly along D.O.L. path. after about 30min we decided to get out the headlamps. The last 200 meters, we walked in a trick fog. reached the rifugio Azzoni, we changed clothes and climbed up the last step. I installed 10mt wire on 4.5mt telescopic pole. I started to call in 80cw, the noise was quiet. I managed in the log F5JKK, IK6BAK, IK2LEY and DJ5AV with nice signal 579. Many thanks guys, you allowed me to activate the summit on this hard band. I tried to work on 60 and 40mt but the noise was too high. I changed transformer and I tried on 20ssb but the conditions was poor, after some calIs, I Qsy in 20cw, I worked Martino IU2IJW and Luca IW2OGY and some European chasers.

when it began to rain I passed in QRT.
Many thanks chasers!!

iw2obx Roberto


Well Done Roberto !!

73 de And IW0HK


Thanks Andrea!
See you on air…


Ciao Roberto.
Nice to work you on 80 mtrs!

'73 de ik6bak, Eliseo.

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Ciao Eliseo,
it was a really pleasure hear you on 80mt band! CUAGN

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Hi Roberto,

a nice activation in the dark.
How was the way bak in the rain?

73, Ludwig

Hi Ludwig,
I didn’t have any problem, Scarpa goldendgate had a good grip.

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hi guys, another post-work activation, I will QRV at 16:30 17:00 utc, I’d like climb down the last rocky step before the dark, probably the activation will be quicky.

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Sorry but aborted!
Planned for tomorrow afternoon!
See you