I/LO-233 monte Zucco 35mt long wire

The activations with tiny wire antenna continue, this time I used a 35mt longwire awg26 with 9:1 balun.
i choose a remote summit because I didn’t want the sunday crowd. this reference was activate exactly one year ago by me.

I started to call in 80mt ssb, after a selfspot Marcus @IN3ADF was a first on a log, qrb abt 200km. I managed anothers two italian stations @IK2LEY abt 50km west and @IK1GPG abt 200km, really very pleasured to contact italian stations on 80meters.
the fourth qso for validate the activation on this band didn’t arrive, I was forced to pass in cw and I was able to make only two qsos, @EA2IF Guru was unexpected on this band abt 1000km. I qsy on 60 meter cw, I reduced the power from 10 to 5 watts. On this band DL stations prevailed.
I got some rest calling in phonia 40 meters. I gave up 40cw due to the hot temperature.
Funny activation!

Many thanks Guys!


Copying you on 80m was unexpected for me too, but it proves the “always worth a try” maxima.
Thanks for QSO Roberto.


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Hi Roberto, thanks for your activation report and photos. Very interesting to hear of your tiny wire experiments.

73 de Geoff vk3sq

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