I/LO-199 & I/LO-198 another unexpected dx!

I/LO-199 and I/LO-198 is a classic double activation near Bergamo. also this year i was able to activate with Winter bonus. I parked to Fuipiano and I climbed up the step private Road that conduce to Zuc di Valmana, I/LO-199. the weather was clear with a steady Wind from north. It was annoying to stay on the summit without a protection for the wind.

I used a new headphones Sony MDRZX110B , for 10 euro, It was a Great purchase. I selfspotted on sotawatch and I managed some qso in ssb, I tried to work in 40mt ssb, the band was really busy, I used another selfspot for 20mt ssb and after I tried to call on 10cw ending the activation in 20cw. the 20mt was like 40mt; the skip was short. I putted all in the rucksuck and I walked to second summit I Canti I/LO-198. I Reached It in about half hour.

I started to call but I had a issue with supply. the radio switch off some times, I didn’t understand if it was due to a empty battery or an connection issue. I reduced the power from 5 to 1 watt, and I continued to call in 15mt cw, the issue seemed solved. I heard JH1MXV, we were able to complete the qso. this dx was really unexpected. Many Thanks Hatori. It was the second time that I managed in the log a qso with Japanes Station. The first time It was the last year always during a double activation of this two summits that time from I/LO-199. Strange coincidence.
In both activations I used a 4,5meter of vertical wire, 9:1 transformer and five radials two meters long

thanks to All
73 iw2obx Roberto


Well Done Roberto !!

73 And IW0HK


I guess I know that beautiful dog hi
Ciao Roberto.