Huntsville SOTA Gathering

For several years now, Gary and Martha (W0MNA and W0ERI) have hosted a SOTA gathering at their cabin on Saturday evening after the Huntsville hamfest. Matha’s birthday was that weekend also so not only did we talk SOTA stuff, but we celebrated her birthday as well. Attending were (starting at the top left) Ron (N4SFR), Gary (W0MNA), Jeanette (Scott’s wife), Scott (KW4JM), Jean (AE1JS), Mark (AE1MS), Ron (NR3E), Martha (W0ERI), Karen (W4KRN), and Jim (K4JJR). Many thanks to Gary and Martha for a good time and a chance to get together with the people we all enjoy.

Ron, NR3E :hiking_boot:


thanks Ron, great photo of the group👍

cheers to all :beers: :clinking_glasses: Happy birthday Martha, 21?

Geoff vk3sq

Fine crew! I have yet to meet 7 of y’all.

Andy, N4LAG

Thanks for putting faces to calls I’ve often seen mentioned.