Huntsville Hamfest Next Month

Huntsville Hamfest is a month away! I’m planning to be there and hoping to meet some SOTA friends. Assuming the weather cooperates I also hope to squeeze in a few activations. I’ll be working a booth for 10-10 International Net, and will be presenting a Forum on Ten Meters on Saturday afternoon at 2 pm. There will also be a SOTA forum at 11 am by KM4CRB.

After cancellations of the past two Dayton Hamventions, I am chomping at the bit for a good hamfest! Who else is coming?

Keith KR7RK


Great Hamfest!! When I lived in Alabama I went every year. Unfortunately, too far now for me to go.

Dave, AE9Q

Martha and I will be there along with Karen - W4KRN and her husband Jim. We’re staying on Monte Sano Mountain in cabin #10. Karen will be in cabin #11. Also, Ron - NR3E and Liz - K1LIZ will be camping on the mountain.

We’re planning on having a SOTA group gathering Saturday evening after the hamfest at our cabin and all SOTA people are welcome to join in for an eyeball QSO and fun evening. Monte Sano is a SOTA summit so you can also activate it while there.

Come join us maybe we can figure out a way to have some food that evening. We’ll see you at the SOTA seminar on Saturday. We’ll be arriving at the cabin on Friday afternoon and staying till Monday morning so stop by and chat.

Gary A. - W0MNA


Gary, Man I was going to this event till a few days ago. I will be out doing some SOTA with my 13 year old. Now I’m wondering who will be chasing me if all of you will be in Huntsville or traveling to. Will be doing a bunch of W4V summits between Wednesday and Sunday that week. Maybe we can get a S2S chain going ….

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Glad to hear you’ll be there Keith. Come join us Saturday evening up on Monte Sano. 73 Karen