Hunters from countries not covered by SOTA yet

I have been wondering, whether it would be worth considering to add possibilities to log SOTA QSO’s by hunters from countries not covered by the program yet. I believe hunting should be available to whole world, even if they don’t have the program activated, yet.

Has this been considered, and is this technically possible?

Konrad SQ6GIT

Yes. The SOTA Database can allow for this situation.


In reply to M1EYP:
Thanks. Then how is this possible? To register, one needs to select their association from a drop-down list. I cannot see, for example, Bulgaria there.
Also, I have not noticed, say, Bulgaria on the Roll of Honour lists, etc.

Pick the fall-back association identified as “XXX - No Association Yet”.

73, Rick M0LEP

In reply to M0LEP:
I see… Thanks for your reply!
