Humps - yes or no

In reply to G8ADD:
I am realistic these days Brian and I will never achieve past levels of fitness, however with the aid of my stents and false knee, a bandage or two and a few pills, and a ski pole, hi hi, so God willing, I hope to be on many more summits - so I will hold you to that S2S. :slight_smile:
73 Ian

Hi Everyone

Thanks to everyone who wrote concerning the topic of P150 v P100. I received comments from 27 people in total. Of these, 15 were in favour of the status quo and 12 would like to see a change.

Clearly there is not enough interest in change to warrant further investigation.

Let us leave this one to have a rest for at least 12 months. even then I would only like to reopen the debate if anyone has something new to say or circumstances have changed in some way.


James M0ZZO

In reply to M0ZZO:

Hi James

Very fair comment! Now we have it in a nutshell and will have to accept the facts. Everyone has had their fair chance to voice an opinion on this issue.

Thank you for giving this matter your full attention and consequently your decision, which is the correct one under the circumstances.