How do we find out if a newly submitted summit is in consideration?

I submitted a new summit months ago but have no idea if it is even being considered?

Go to the “About SOTA” page on the website and click “contact Simon” under his section as leader of the Summits Team.

For Canadian summits the search facilities at Bivouac Home have been improved somewhat since the last time I looked, although that was some time ago. The site was originally west coast oriented but has expanded over Canada. If you don’t have a login, well worth getting one - currently lists 37 P150 summits for VE1 vs the 28 you have now.

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Thanks for the replies. Thanks for the link to Canada summits, very interesting!

“Any new summits available?” => phpQW SOTA new Summit-References

“Deleted Summits/Deletion Pending/Valid Summits” => Adventure Radio

73 de Mario dl4mfm