Homemade tube trx on a summit

Today I took my recently built transceiver to my favorite summit DM/NS-122. The concept was make it as small and simple as possible with tubes. The result is 1W out, one channel (7.0202kHz) and a receiver bandwidth of 1-3 kHz.

The challenge was the circuit design and implementation, but today also the decoding and the unfamiliar straight key. Here is the result as a clip and a few pictures. Special thanks to Uli, HB9CGA and Fred, DL8DXL and the other OMs for their well audible signals.
73 Chris

Don’t be surprised if I’m always checking my phone. There runs the excellent Morse code decoder “Morse Expert for Android” :smiley:


Wow Chris! Really enjoyed the video, thank you for sharing! :slight_smile:

This is the essence of amateur radio, you should be proud of your achievement.

Thanks for the S2S from G-DC-001 earlier too!

Vy 73,



Tnx for your nice reply and our pleasant S2S, Colin.
73 Chris


This is wonderful! How to you obtain the 90V voltage? 60 AA batteries in series? Or some kind of step-up circuit?

73 de Martin, DK3IT

Edit: Just found this related link:


Good evening Chris @DL1CR. Thanks for the nice video. I watched and listened at my leisure. It’s quite a lot of work with a hand key like that! Congratulations on the activation with your self-built transceiver. Good work.

73 Marcel DM3FAM

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Hallo Chris
Interessantes Video. Gratuliere!
Hat mich gefreut ein QSO mit dir und deinem QRP-RIG zu haben.
Leider ist das QRM auf der Clubstation von HB9TG sehr hoch. Daher konnte ich dir keinen besseren Rapport geben. hi
73 es gl

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This step up converter would be an ideal addition to my TCX. I’ve been thinking about how I could develop and build something like this myself. The suppression of the interference signals is very important. At the moment I solve the supply with 90V by 11 pieces of 9V batteries.

73 Chris

》》》》Sorry for the surreptitious advertising 《《《《《


Looking forward to your summit vacuum tube build video!


And the parts list :sunglasses:!

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Today I had my very first S2S with the 1W tube TRX. Tnx to you Bruno HB9CBR, you make my day.

73 Chris