Holiday Antenna ideas

We’re soon to be heading off to the hills in Dora the Explorer. First trip since October 2020 and despite 9 years of ownership, I’ve only used the mast for rally safety radio.

Looking for hf antenna ideas. I could just use my new EHFW, as an inverted sloper and also have a W3EDP to hand, but not sure how the counterpoise would get on so close to the mast.

Any other suggestions?

Cheers, Fraser


Delta loops for the LF bands will fit on that.

Now that’s not something I’d considered. No time to build one before this trip, however a possibility for the future.

Hi Fraser, try a ZS6BKW as an inverted V. I can send details if needed. Great antenna!

73 de Geoff vk3sq

My suggestion would be a centre-fed inverted V - but what kind is another matter…
A link dipole would work well, but you’d probably have to lower it to get at the links.
So I think

is a good idea, although I’ve never used one. I do use a doublet though, with the ladder line running right back to a balun and tuner. Works well, but it would be hard to bring the ladder line into the LR, so I don’t think that would be the way to go.
Oh, and if you get tired of that mast, I’d be happy to relieve you of it… just pop it in an envelope and send over here :wink:.
73, Steven


Hello Steven, the ladder line is a certain length (as a matching stub) and is terminated with coax to any length; bands covered are 40m, 20m,17m,12m,10m and the low end of 6m. Other bands need an ATU.

73 de Geoff vk3sq

PS- if you need details send me an email and I will reply with information attached, email address good on QRZ

Cheers Geoff

My thinking was taking me away from doublets and inverted V types due to the extra ground space needed and the proximity of the horizontal section to the aluminiumast, given that it radiates. Any yes, unlinking would be an issue!!

Cheers, Fraser

Hi Fraser, no links in this antenna.

73 de Geoff vk3sq

Yes, but doesn’t the twin line radiate? Don’t think this would work with the mast, unless I could arrange it as a sloper…

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no, 450ohm ladder line is a matching stub, suggest do a net search to learn about it. 73 Geoff vk3sq

The one I googled had twin line. I’ll dig deeper Geoff.

Cheers, Fraser

Hi Fraser. can send you the construction details writen by the inventer if you wish. It was the one I built… .email me your email address I will reply with attachment… my email address good on qrz.

73 de Geoff vk3sq

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Not when the signal is balanced. It would be affected if it ran close to the aluminium mast.

I’d have thought that some Moxons for HF would be fun on that but you’ll need a rotator then.

Fraser could just drive in circles… :slight_smile: