Hike, Views and SOTA Activation Granite Mtn (W6/SD-033)

This is an 8mi out and back hike with +3200’ vertical ascent. This was a max effort hike, I’d rate this difficult. Trail is hard to stay on, but AllTrails was great. No cell coverage (by ATT) at the bottom. SOTA designator W6/SD-033. Trailhead located just south of the RV Park. Made 9 QSO’s (contacts), 4 on VHF (146.52MHz) and 5 on 40m (7.135MHz). Used the Anytone 878 with Arrow II 140-3 yagi on 2m, and the Yeasu FT-891 (25W) on 40m, with 20’ telescoping TacMini and 40m home made dipole, with MFJ tuner.


Cool hike; not one I’d want to attempt solo.

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You’re right about that, n3xul fell, we both slipped multiple times, two broken hiking poles and shredded frogg toggs waterproof pants. Even on short hikes I go with a buddy.

Fewer activators here in the PNW, and thus more solo hikes. You definitely learn to be self-sufficient, take what you need and APRS tracking for my YL via the website has been good insurance.

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