Highway to the summit

Caldera Blanca, 29/01/24, EA8/LA-015. No problem to follow the (very long) track: you’re never alone…

Remember: be always careful because of the vulcanic rocks beneath your feet and all around you…

On the top, there is a support for the antenne. I haven’t used it, because everyone wants to take a photo of his own “Yes I dit it” moment. The summit is also a Vertice Geodésico.

It was my last summit on the main island of Lanzarote. After 1/2 hour and 10 QSO’s: a satisfied feeling! My next “mission” leads me to
the island La Graciosa, the only permitted accessible island of the Parque Natural Archipiélago Chinajo.

73, ON4ROB


HI Rob

Thanks for report. We saw the island of La Grancioza last night on TV. Singer Jane McDonald was on Channel 5 TV again last night on her holiday programme touring the Canaries.

Hoping to work you again on EA8. I will be in Tenerife myself next month activating a few summits whilst on holiday there.

Link to Yorkshire Jane’s programme

73 Phil G4OBK