Hegdon 10m now???

I’m on Hegdon Hill G/WB-023 right now - 2105z - but haven’t made any 10m contacts. Guess I’m too late. I can hear activity on CW, FT4, RTTY and FT8, but it is fading. More importantly, they can’t hear me it seems.

So now wondering if there’s any benevolent chasers between Bristol and Birmingham that might kindly try a 10m groundwave contact with me? I’ll self spot and call on SSB.

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Thanks to @G4WTF for responding! Much appreciated.

Need two more, so may call on 2m FM to try to get those.

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Just back from GW/MW. I may be just too far though. (Between Bath & Swindon)


Clg again now on 28.475. Going to call on 2 FM shortly too.

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Listening and think I can hear something very very far away, but cannot make you out. Will keep the rig on the frequency.

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Ok thanks. Please listen 145.500 shortly…

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Yes, Tom, I’m not hearing you here, US-stateside.

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Nothing heard on SSB, but might have arrived too late. And also had S9 of noise kick in which I’ve not seen on 10M before here, but has now gone.

Could give CW a bash if you like, but I don’t do great in that direction from home.

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I appreciate the responses guys. I ended with 3 groundwave 10m SSB contacts and 2 on 2m FM. So I got the activator point and the Challenge multiplier.


Great news. Successful mission


I listened for you yesterday on 10m from Welshpool but didn’t hear you at all. GW/SW-008 was no problem but maybe the height helped.

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I listened for you as well Peter. I could hear bits of weak audio and could tell it was you. We wouldn’t have managed a successful exchange though.

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Well Done. A successful Activation Tom. 73 de Paul M0CQE.

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I suppose so - in so much as I got the activator point and the 10m Challenge summit multiplier.

But generally, I would think of a “successful” 10m activation as one with 50+ QSOs, 5+ S2S, 4+ continents worked.

Given that it took me three visits to Hegdon Hill in 2023 to get the activator point, I’ll try not to grumble about this one. Got what I needed in the one visit - even though it took more time than envisaged and only five QSOs.


Catching this rather late… It seems I’ve never chased G/WB-023, so I decided to have a look and see where it is and what’s in the way. Turns out it’s pretty much directly behind G/WB-022, which I have chased once, but not from my present QTH. From here, G/WB-023 is about 36 miles away and G/WB-022 is 26. Those distances don’t seem too tricky even for VHF and a white stick. Obviously, 22 is getting in the way of 23, but I wondered whether my local geography was getting in the way. HeyWhatsThat shows me this:

The blue pointer on the horizon just west of north is G/WB-019 May Hill. It seems 22 and 23, while both being just slightly round to the west of May Hill, are both just clear of the edge of Stinchcombe Hill. Had I been paying attention at the time, 10 metres would definitely have been worth a listen… Oh well.