Heads Up! - Trans-Atlantic S2S Events 2025

After the last Trans-Atlantic S2S event in early November last year, there was a suggestion put forward that we move to a two day event for April 2025 while band conditions remain good. This would allow those unable to activate on the Saturday, to have a chance to participate on the Sunday. I put forward dates and opened the subject up for debate, but apart from a few positive comments made to me by various means, there was little, and certainly no negative response. Therefore I propose that we run two day events this year and review the outcome once the second event is over.

So to dates, as previously suggested and based on previous years -

Spring 2025 - Saturday 26th April 2025 and Sunday 27th April 2025

Autumn 2025 - Saturday 1st November 2025 and Sunday 2nd November 2025

Suggested core hours for activity to remain as before - 12:00 to 17:00UTC
Operation on either or both days as activators are able.

Spread the word, Let’s make 2025 a bumper year for this event.

73, Gerald G4OIG / G8CXK


As someone with a vested interest in these events opening up to Sundays, I’m most appreciative of this development. Thank you Gerald.


Not available on Sat 26 Apr. But I’ve put Sun 27th in the diary. Hopefully the sun will shine and the space weather will be kind.

I’ll bring out the 857 for a bit of oomph (technical term that).


I’m not sure if I’ll be able to take part this time. I know for certain that I’ll be marshalling/volunteering at the Three Peaks Race on Saturday 26th. https://www.threepeaksrace.org/

73, Colin

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I’ll be on a summit in W4V in the US with the 100W Yaseu and some upper HF vertical antennas.

Last year was my first time taking part and I snagged Poland S2S (in addition to a bunch more) in spite of the conditions being bad and I was hooked.


Snap - can we get a S2S? :slightly_smiling_face: I’m planning to stay up after the race to participate in the trans-Atlantic. Alert posted

Not sure where I will be assigned yet, but I’m pretty sure it won’t involve an opportunity for radio.

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I think you need to assert yourself Colin and suggest where you want to marshall not where they want. That way you can bag a better location. Stamp your feet and threaten to not volunteer if you can’t go where you want :wink:

Absolutely :wink:. There’s a choice of 2 SOTA summits (excluding the one I’ve bagged) and you’re the only other SOTA activator I know of. Go for it! Last year I didn’t manage a single S2S (or even to qualify my summit) despite there being 2 other summits manned! I’m determined to do better this year.


I am afraid that on 1st and 2nd November, the attendance in many European countries might be affected by the All Saints festivity and the related family’s obligations…

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Many thanks for the information Marco. We have run the event on the first weekend in November for many years and never have had a problem. I guess not everyone gives these festivals the priority that they perhaps should have and modern society has families spread widely, so it is not practical to meet up.


Let’s hope so Gerald, of course it’s hard to find a convenient date for all. I will do my best to participate if eventually the date won’t change. Thank you for taking care of the organisation!