HB9AFI - another s2s Gold

Congrats Kurt on achieving s2s Gold Award, well done!

It is always charming to see how perfect you and your PFR3 do match.

73, Heinz HB9BCB

Welcome to the family gold s2s dear Kurt


In reply to HB9BCB:
Well done Kurt - thanks for the many s2s contacts along the way.

In reply to MW0IML:
Herzliche Gratulation, Kurt, und vielen Dank für die vielen SOTA-Verbindungen.
Hannes, HB9AGO

Well done Kurt and many thanks for all the contacts!

Roger MW0IDX

Well done Kurt. Lot of effort by you! Chasers like me just sit in comfort 8)
Best wishes

In reply to HB9BCB:
Indeed congrats !!! nice result.
I’ve checked the 3 first ones in HB-land, what i notice is that most were done in CW.
Nothing beats CW it seems :slight_smile:

–… …–


Congratulations Kurt on achieving the summit to summit gold award.

Jimmy M0HGY

Hi, Kurt, thank you for so many S2S QSOs made, I hope to keep on making them soon!
73 de Mikel! (already at bronze stage…)

In reply to ON6UU:

Nothing beats CW it seems :slight_smile:
You can say that again, UU.
Nothing beats CW it seems :slight_smile:
You can say that…aw, to hell with it.
If you chase s2s, you’d better go CW…low power on both ends kills any idea of getting SSB gold in the cut-throat world of s2s. Ask the Swiss, as they now make up nearly 40 percent of our little eight person club.
Elliott, K6EL
Chaser Clown

Wow, congrats Kurt !

We have to keep him motivated and walking, what’s the next step ? Platinum ? Iron Man ?
Maybe SOTA EME… I’m quite sure he would make that, too…

Marco HB9CAT

Many congratulations Kurt on an excellent achievement. It is always a pleasure to work you, particularly S2S.

In particular I remember my activation of Black Hill GM/SS-167 when, after working 2m SSB, I moved to 10.118MHz and sent the customary QRL. “No” came back the answer - not what I was expecting. Of course I was very pleased to find it was you on Hinder Ämmeberg HB/LU-022 on frequency.

73, Gerald G4OIG