hb0 - activation

This is just a short notification that i will be doing a SOTA-Activation in Liechtenstein this summer.

The planned schedule:

27/06/2013 - 1400 UTC: OE/VB-507
28/06/2013 - 1000 UTC: HB0/LI-009
29/06/2013 - 0700 UTC: HamRadio Friedrichshafen :slight_smile:

vy73 de Martin

In reply to OE5REO:

Martin, tnx 4 info, hpe u will be qrv also on 40m, then I will try to catch you as chaser

73 es hpe for S2S soon, Franz

In reply to OE5REO:

Hello SOTA-friends!

Martin OE5REO and I, we search further 2 or 3 SOTA-OM’s,
who want to go with us on Naafkopf OE/VB-123 etc at 28/06/2013.
We want to drive through the “Nenzinger Himmel” by special
Hiking-Bus and they need more than 6 Persons/tour.

Please let me know who want to go with us! It will be a fine

73, Chris OE5HCE

In reply to OE5HCE:

Christian, Martin,

Provided that there is enough space within the activation zone to run several stations in parallel, I would be in! I will limit my activation to CW. About conditions on the summit I will investigate and let you know.

I will be in Frieha on Thursday and stay there overnight. My original plan was to drive to Malbun/HB0 early in the morning and activate a differnt HB0-summit on June 28, but your plans sound fine to me.


Hello Heinz!

Good to hear that you are interested in our joint sota activation.

The problem for us is, that it is not allowed to drive up the road to “Nenzinger Himmel” by your own car, only by bus! And in order to hire that bus at an affordable price we need to be at least 6 people.

Summits would be:

HB/GR-338 (Naafkopf - 10p)
OE/VB-123 (Naafkopf - 10p)
HB0/LI-002 (Naafkopf - 10p)

HB0/LI-004 (Augstenberg - 10p)
OE/VB-241 (Gorfion - 10p)

So … 50 activator points within a few hours would be a record for all of us i guess.

I have made a jpg- and a kmz-file of the route we are planning to take:


First we all walk together to the PFÄLZERHÜTTE at 2100asl. There we could split (one group activates Naafkopf while the other activates Augstenberg/Gorfion). So the limited space on the summits would not be such a problem and some easy s2s-contact would also be possible.

After these activations we meet again at the PFÄLZERHÜTTE and change sides. Of course it is also possible to activate only one summit.

I hope that we are able to find at least six people for this joint activation!!

Until now we are OE5HCE, OE6ETF, OE5REO (and maybe OE5EEP) … so two/three are missing :frowning:

vy73 de martin

Hello to all,

I will arrive in Mellau in VB at 28/06 for 3 days vacation.
I had just asked the hotel by e-mail if it’s possible to add a day before (arrival at 27/6). If yes, it will be nice to join your team for this sota trip!

I am now waiting for the hotel answer and will give you feedback asap.


Laurent de F8CZI

In reply to F8CZI:

Yes Laurent, this would be wonderful, if you come to us! Only, We need
a great sunny weather and so we can start the tour!

73, Christian OE5HCE

In reply to OE5HCE:

Hi Christian,

The Hotel answered to me that it’s OK for one night more in Mellau. I will arrive on june, 27. So the tour is possible for me. I hope it’s not so difficult physically beause i am not a MG as you ! I will train a little bit before.

For the weather i think it’s your job to order the big boss a nice sunny weather(you know him because he is in the same contry as you) :wink:

73’ de Laurent F8CZI

In reply to F8CZI:

good to hear that you will join us :slight_smile:

i don’t know the trail as i have never been there before … but from NENZINGER HIMMEL it will be about 1200 meters in height to AUGSTENBERG/GORFION and additional 500 meters in height to NAAFKOPF. the lenght of the complete tour will be about 16 km. but as i said earlier it is also possible to activate only one summit and take a longer rest at the PFÄLZERHÃœTTE :slight_smile:

we will let you know about updates here on the reflector.

73 de martin

this is a quick reminder that our joint activation to naafkopf/augstenberg/gorfion will take place on friday, 28th of june.

so far only four operators have decided to join the group which consists now of:

Laurent, F8CZI
Christian, OE5HCE
Bert, OE6ETF
Martin, OE5REO

we will meet early in the morning (07:00 local time) in NENZING (Google Maps), the exact meeting place is not fixed yet. the bus drive takes 40 minutes and will cost about 8 - 10 euro per person for one direction. we plan to be back in NENZING at approx. 17:30 to 18:00 local time.

there were several other people interested … so please let us know if you plan to come with us.

@ laurent, f8czi: can you please e-mail me at OE5REO(at)GMAIL.COM

vy73 de martin




Today there are temperatures of 1°C and snowfall at a sealevel of 2000m in the area around Malbun. Maybe we make a short tour to Helwangspitz (HB0/LI-011) on Friday … but we will decide that on short notice.

vy73 de Martin