HB/FR-008 invalid summit?

I’ve repeatedly tried to upload a 2018 chaser QSO with a station on HB/FR-008 (just found the QSL card) and have got the message “Invalid summit”. However, the summit is in the database all right, and so is the activation in question. Other uploads have worked fine today. What may have gone wrong here?

73, Martin

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Update: Somehow, the system did not accept the date entered by hand. I’ve tried several formats, but none worked. Partial resolution: used the calendar menu. Strangely enough, the following upload worked.

73, Martin

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The date entry has caught me out a few times. It is second nature to me to enter day-month-year which has been the proper way all my life, but the computer only recognises year-month-day, and has no flexibility. I would have less trouble entering Julian Day!

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Did you have 2O18 for the year? We’ve had a few people recently unable to enter summit references because they were using a letter O character in error.


It’s the only unambiguous numeric format. For twelve days of the month, the database cannot tell the difference between day-month-year and the American month-day-year.


Thanks for your input. I cannot say what went wrong - I have tried “/” as well as “-”, and neither worked, but anyway, the upload worked in the end and seems to work fine now. However, speaking of flexibility: IIRC the previous version of the upload tool accepted both signs as separators, and even dots. In principle, as long as the numeric values for year, month, and date are present and in the correct order, it should not matter which non-numeric character separates them. A bit like the UNIX “sed” command, for those who haven’t always used Windows :wink:

73, Martin


You did verify the log everytime you changed the date ? Otherwise you would still see the old error message.


I did. Anyway, the error seems to have disappeared if it ever was one. If it ever occurs again, I’ll be sure to let you know.