Ham Radio Friedrichshafen 2018 - SOTA Dinner

Just a heads-up - does anyone else already know their plans for the Friday evening of the FN weekend and want to come to the SOTA dinner at the Gasthof zum Goldenen Kreuz in Wilhelmsdorf-pfrungen at 18:00 on Friday 1st. June.

Presently I have 11 attendees on my list, I have reseved 15 seats in the restaurant, so no problems there and even if a few more than 15 come, I’m sure it wont be a problem.

A reminder that this year there will be a prize raffle with each attendee getting a raffle ticket for small prizes supplied by SOTABeams and a few others that I am contributing. At the end we’ll make a group photo of all the atendees and perhaps all will have prizes …

73 Ed.


Hi Ed,

Just managed to book a room Friday to Saturday at the Gasthof zum Goldenen Kreuz. So count me in for dinner please.

See you all.

73 Joe

Hi Joe,
No problem - your on the list. There are still a few empty seats to fill. At this rate there may be more door prizes than attendees!

73 Ed.

See you there Sylvia!!

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I presently have thirteen people booked in for the dinner on Friday evening, are there any additional bookings.

Also, I am intending to head to DM/BW-348 (Gehrenberg) to make S2S contacts for those at DM/BW-854 (Hoechsten) a possibility. I would like to activate DM/BW-854 as well myself, so my plan at the moment is 3-3:30pm local at Gehrenberg and then on to Hoechsten to be there from about 4:30-5pm local. If others can activate both summits we should be able to get a lot of S2S contacts in, in the day. A 2m/70cm FM Handheld should be good enough to make the distance between the two summits for the S2S contacts but I will also have HF at both summits for other chasers.

I’ll activate both summits on that afternoon too, just not decided in what order and at what time.
Luc - ON7DQ

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I have sent in a short text to the German Funkamateur magazine, which will be in the next edition. This comes out on the 24th. so a week before the event. We may get some non-SOTA people coming along to the dinner, so please make sure you welcome them if they do. Thanks.

73 Ed.

Instead of throwing rocks at them? Spoilsport!

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Hi Ed,

You can count us in now as well :grinning: . Peter has managed to swap classes with a colleague and we will now be able to set off earlier than expected. We haven even found a campsite at walking distance from the restaurant…
Look forward to seeing you all at Gasthof zum Golden Kreuz!

Sylvia OE5YYN & Peter OE5AUL & Kimo


You’re both added to the list.

73 Ed.

P.S. is Kimo your dog?

Yes, SOTA-dog Kimo :wink: !

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Sorry we won’t see you all this year. Maybe 2019! Unless anyone gets to north GW (Wales, UK) in the meantime!

I’m sure you will all have a great evening and rally. Sue and I so enjoyed meeting everyone last year.

Gerald and Sue
(Currently waiting for the 2130 ferry from Tarbet, Harris to Uig, Skye)


I have a dinner with some local hams on friday. Sorry but have to cancel the Sota dinner on friday. Sure we will meet at the QSL wall and the sota meeting on saturday.

73 Karel ON4FI

I’m out this year but will be there next year too. One of my highlights was the Sota Dinner last year and meeting you guys and the food at that place was so nice.

Quite a few VK6 mates heading there this year and have to admit I’m pretty jealous.

Hope its a great event.


John VK6NU

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Noted - sorry you can’t make it.

73 Ed.

I hope it is not too late to join. I would like to come to the SOTA Dinner and eventually also activate DM/BW-854, Höchsten, before or after.
Heinz, OE5EEP

Hi Heinz - no problem - there’s still a couple of seats left for the dinner - you’re number 14 and I booked for 15 (I’m sure if more came it wouldn’t be a problem for the restaurant in any case). I’m going to try to activate both Gehrenberg and Hoechsten in the afternoon before the dinner, to give the others on the other summit a chance for an S2S. Both summits are easy access.

73 Ed.

Restaurant is in Pfrungen, at the very top of this map, below that the first 8 point triangle is Hoechsten and the one towards the bottom NE from Markdorf is Gehrenberg.


If anyone wants a ride to both summits and the Dinner (but you’ll have to arrange your own transport back to Friedrichshafen from one of the other attendees), I intend leaving the Messe grounds at about 12:30.


Ed, I will be listening out for you guys from either the NCRG Club Station or on the NCRG Club remote station from home. Either way, got a decent station so if any short path opening to Europe I should be able to copy you, 20 metres is best band.

Few VK6’s going this year, say hello if you meet any. Next year pencilled in already.


John VK6NU

Hi John,

Thanks for listening out for the stations I hope to be on air from one or other of the summits from about 2pm to 4pm local time - 8-10pm with you. The better band may actually be 40m - especially if the NCRG has a 7MHz beam HI.
Unfortuantely VOCAP predicts NO CHANCE that late in the day: (but as we know conditions can change and these I think were based on zero sunspots) with SFI sub 70.