GW4VPX Shack Sloth

I see Allan has passed the 1000pt chaser mark, well done… may take us a good while longer to pass the 1000pt activators but working on it… well done again.

Steve… MW0BBU.

Congratulations Allan on achieving the Shack Sloth.

Jimmy M0HGY

Congratulations Allan. It doesn’t seem that long ago since you emerged onto the SOTA scene… or have I been asleep? :slight_smile:

73, Gerald G4OIG

In reply to MW0BBU:
Well done allan on shack sloth status and thanks for the s2s and chaser points

In reply to MW0BBU:

Well done, Allan and thanks for the contacts along the way.


Well done Allan,keep working at it.73 Don.

Congratulations Allan. Looking forward to many more S2S contacts with.

Karen 2E0XYL

In reply to MW0BBU:

Yes well done indeed Allan. Well you are both nearly out each week so soon get the 1k. 8)
Mike G6TUH

Hi everyone

Many thanks for the congratulations on my reaching Shack Sloth status.

I would never have believed that 6 months ago I would be crossing this threshold let alone activating on a regular basis both on my own and with Steve MW0BBU.

A big thank you to all the activators that made it possible and to the chasers and new friends I’ve made participating in SOTA.


Allan GW4VPX

In reply to GW4VPX:

Well done Allan. Look forward to working you s2s very soon.

73 Mike

In reply to GW4VPX
llongyfarchiadau Allan a pob lwc ar y ffordd tua bod yn gafr mynyddol

In reply to M0YDH:

Diolch am y cyfarchion-siarad a ti cyn hir-s2s gobeithio. Hwyl.

In reply to 2E0YYY

Thanks Mike and I hope I can reach the 1000pts s2s like you - I’m working on it - could take some time!


Allan GW4VPX

In reply to GW4VPX:
Llongyfarchiadau gyfaill .

mi nai alw y tro nesa dwi yn yr ardal

(Congratulations Allan.
I promise to call round next time i’m in the area)


In reply to MW0UPH:

Diolch Aled.

Thank you Aled. There will be a cup of tea ready for you.

73 to you and the family

Allan GW4VPX

In reply to MW0BBU:
Well done Allan and thanks very much for the points you gave me whilst achieving your Shack Sloth status.

I look forward to many more SOTA QSOs with you.

73 de Mick M0MDA

In reply to M0MDA:

Thanks Mick.

Looking forward to hearing you on Monday. See Alerts.


Allan GW4VPX

In reply to GW4VPX:
Hi Allan

Unfortunately I will be unable to contact you on Monday due to work.

Hope you have a successful activation and hope to catch you again soon.

73 de Mick M0MDA