I much enjoy seeing the pictures of activations from many countries with a wide variety of scenery (and weather - some even have snow!! a rather distant memory from round here most of the time now) I realise that our (mostly) rounded and heather covered hills in South Wales might be a novelty for those in Nevada or Norway so here are some sights for the last 10 days or so when the all pervading gloom finally lifted and, by Sunday this week, I actually got hot while walking up the hill despite having ‘cast a few clouts’ (left off a few clothes) but then regretted it when the east wind on the top found me and a swift descent was called for. Here goes:
GW/SW-002 Waun Fach
We usually approach the top of the Black Mountains by parking at the foot of the north escarpment, ascending the slope on a bridleway and then a long flattish walk with a short ascent up to the top.
We get a good view of the northern escarpment.
as the path keeps on going up
but he’s getting there and the gradient eases.
On the spur looking to the west with Mynydd Troed (the next account) and Pen y Fan, Brecon Beacons in the distance.
A false summit with the true summit behind.
The compressed trig point at the top (inset into stone)
and he’s nearly there!
We got well away from the summit (on a sunny Sunday!) and my 30 contacts included a s2s with Alex EI4JY/P on EI/IE-007 on both 2m and 70cm (56,57) which pleased us both! We didn’t linger as the wind was cold so we were soon on the path back to the car and passing the rather handsome cairn (with triangular rock at the top) marking the top of the popular ‘Dragon’s Back’ path from the (now closed) Castle Inn and parking.
The horses were intent on eating and were not disturbed by my approach.
Looking down to the flatlands
and passing the only proper ice on the route where the sun never reached.
The end of the day.
About a 2 hr walk in each direction which seems to be enough for us these days. We’ve been doing this hill (not always by this route) for 14 years now but we are more choosy about the weather nowdays - and a few days before the next ascent! The conditions underfoot were nearly ideal with only a few bogs here and there and the path has been transformed during these years. A necessity as there a lot more people ascending the hills these days.
GW/SW-009 Mynydd Troed and GW/SW-015 Mynydd LLangorse
These two little summits near Talgarth have a small car park conveniently situated between them but it can get rather congested so avoiding weekends and arriving early on a sunny day is recommended. I always start with the higher (and steeper) hill Mynydd Troed but was slightly concerned that I had got a faceful full of mud on my previous attempt last year (and just avoided a broken nose) but we were in a dry spell so off I went up the left hand spur (from the hidden car park).
and was soon near the top with hazy views to the Brecon Beacons.
and to the top of the Black Mountains to the east (with a red dragon on the trig pt to remind me to put a ‘W’ into my callsign (now optional??)
As no-one wanted to answer as I hunkered down in small depression I tried a ‘handy’ selfie but discovered I didn’t have enough hands…
To pass the time I went for a few little walks and showed I was using a fairly high dipole but it still took about 40 mins to get 4 on 2m and also on 70 cm (including contacts from MW0JLA/P who was on the opposite hill).
Time to go down, admire the view of Llangorse Lake, pass the car (just visible), pick up my lunch and keep on going up the smaller hill.
Passing the car took longer than expected as the local farmer (and helper) had turned up to reverse a long trailer through the muddy gateway and onto the hill but about 5 vehicles were now parked and he was squeezed between 2 of them. He eventually got the trailer through and then scraped his wing on the gatepost at which he gave up, came out of fhe gateway and headed back home. Our car wasn’t involved but it was a reminder to always park politely as the owner may need access at any time.
It was time to get going again and I was soon nearly onto the GW/NW -015 ridge - not a great challenge!
I was soon set up in a nook out of the wind and looking over to where Rod was toiling up the other hill.
I was about to pack up here with only 3 70cm iin the log (and was lucky to have got that many) and the dipole was flat on the ground and the first guy being coiled in my hand … when a faint voice was heard from a chaser not far down the valley . ‘Are you still there Viki?’. I picked up the handy and said I was - and then realised that Lee’s teenage son must have arrived back from school - with his new callsign! 2m was ticked off straight away but I had to haul the dipole back to almost vertical for the signal report from Joe to reach 55 on 70cm and grateful thanks were given. Now getting late in the day as I start to walk back along the ridge to the car, looking straight over the Lake and to the Beacons (and sun!)
The evening light brought out the colour in the dead bracken and heather
as I walked the ridge and down the grassy path down to the cars. Having spotted Rod on the opposite slope it was a gentle race to the car and he won by about 10 yards which is one of our closest finishes. What glorious views.
All for now. there might be another instalment if I find the time. Now turned cold so not sure if we will be out again before or on 15 March. Hope everyone has had some good fun during the Winter season.
73 Viki