GW/SW-05 to 07 Freezing Fog in South Wales

Its not often you get a cloud inversion in south wales, I guess this is somewhat special, so I though I would write a short report while on a traverse of some of the Beacon Beacon’s yesterday. GW/SW-005, GW/SW-007 and GW/SW-006:

Looking towards Pen Y Fan on Fan Fawr, just after the fog cleared.

Day started in the freezing fog, -4C on the pass between Fan Fawr and Pen Y Fan. It wasn’t long before I was on Fan Fawr GW/SW-005 in the fog and whilst I was putting the mast up, the fog cleared. This led to one of the best mountain view i’ve had while operating on 10m(1/4w vertical) and then the W3EDP random wire for 40m. The first s2s of the day was with @GW4BML on Stiperstones.

Shadow Back in the freezing fog

It didn’t last long as Shadow and I were soon back in the fog with the long traverse to GW/SW-007. Conditions on the summit were bitterly cold. Putting the mast up without access to rocks and frozen ground was somewhat difficult, so I compromised with just the Random wire, bent pegs and a what turned out to be a huge pile up and lots of QRM on 40m. I knew it was cold because Shadow opted for the insulting mat and my legs for a change!

Ice formations on Fan Nedd

Onwards to Fan Gyhirych GW/SW-006 as the cloud lifted. I saw Ben @GW4BML spotted on 10m just as I was arriving on the summit, so I quickly put the 1/4w vertical up and tried Ben on GW/MW-012 who conveyed the message “10m was open to US…”. What followed was a very enjoyable 30 minutes of operating 10m almost all contacts in the states with some very good signal reports.

My final contact was a summit to summit with @W6PNG on 10w. I had no idea where he was in the US, until someone chipped in on the frequency afterwards “Incredible, thats a South Wales to California s2s”. Fantastic end to the day, the band was in great condition !

Thank to everyone for the contacts and help !

Operating Fan Gyhirych…

The Grey Line on my descent … it was getting quite dark but the camera makes the most of the light !


Thanks for a great report with superb photos. It looks like you had a great time. Good work on 10m! I had similar conditions on GW/SW-002 where my antenna and pole completely iced up!

Sorry not to get a S2S with you when you were on GW/SW-005. I could just about hear you, but I guess there were too many lumps in the way for my handheld’s rubber duck antenna to make the trip successfully.

73 and hopefully have a S2S soon!

Matthew M0JSB


I had that on Ingleborough G/NP-005 on Friday. It took some effort to collapse the pole with all the ice and all my wires and guys were covered in ice. 10m was good then too.


Yes, sorry to have missed you. my 2m setup is completely unreliable - was on a rubber duck as well and i think Pen y Fan is in the way !

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Indeed it was was. Next time!

What a day, Tim and ??in the blue coat - please introduce me! Thanks for the s2s from Fan Fawr and sorry I missed your later ones. We take a day doing just GW/SW-006 and 7 but think we will wait til it warms up a bit!! Tx for the great pics - as you say,an inversion on the Beacons is not that common. Keep up the good work and the reports.
73 Viki M6BWA

Yes thanks for the s2s again this week. Meet ‘Shadow’ in better weather on Gleouraich GM/WS-036. He is a re-homed working cocker which despite his rough past is a fantastic mountain dog, I cannot fault him. Great companion.

Thanks & 73