GW/NW-051 Foel Fenlli

Today’s activation was a chilly one on Foel Fenlli. John Blundell M7RTB and I set up at the cairn (Moel Famau in the distance!) - I actually remembered my radio this time! - I had the slim G and John experimenting with the beam.

It was a strange situation where the beam was absolutely belting on receive, but the slim G was getting much better signal reports on transmit. That’s when a helpful suggestion came over the air waves to see if the beam was horizontal or vertical… A quick adjustment resulted in much stronger signal reports!

Great to get some S2S in today too - many thanks Pete MW0PJE, Ben GW4BML and Simon GW4TJC and thanks to all the chasers for their patience while we messed about with antennas, much appreciated :+1:



I’ve never seen a 3 element VHF Yagi with 2 directors and a driven element, normally it’s 1 director, driven element and 1 reflector for 3 elements. What design is the beam? Just curious.


I haven’t a clue to be honest but will try and find out and let you know

Update: CQMSOTA144 144MHz 3 element Yagi for SOTA - The DX Shop Limited

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I think it’s mid-assembly in the photo (coax isn’t plugged in).


I hope the shop got permission to use the SOTA brand for commercial use?

Thanks for that. It does look like it’s been assembled wrong in that photo. But as it was still being setup maybe the elements were reordered correctly later. From the linked page it looks to be well made, the claims are sensible and it comes with an N connector. I’m not used to sensible antenna adverts!