Gun - Sunday

OK, I have made my 17M inverted V Dipole and have a SLAB on charge so all we need is some good WX on Sunday to make a great SOTA Day on The Gun.

I have been practicing Morse for 2 weeks and I will give it a go on the air.

I appreciate that there is a camp of people who feel you should be jolly good copy at 15WPM before you go on air but I am hoping that they are on a different band on Sunday. I am looking for the people who think it is quite amusing that a chap needs 4 or 5 times around the callsign before he can copy it!

With any luck I will have a ‘spotter’ to help me but it will still be a bit of a shambles I suspect…

Be gentle.

Simon M0TGT

In reply to M0TGT:

Good luck to you Simon!

Even if you feel it is a shambles, remember that you’ve only been preparing for two weeks. I’ve heard some SSB/FM operators that really are a shambles, and they’ve been learning to speak all their lives!!

Above all, enjoy yourself. It’s only a hobby, and should be fun.

I doubt that I’ll hear you from here on 17 metres, but I’ll be looking out for the report on how it went.

73 de Les, G3VQO

In reply to M0TGT:

I appreciate that there is a camp of people who feel you should be
jolly good copy at 15WPM before you go on air

There are very few in that camp these days Simon. Just have a go at whatever speed you can read at and someone will reply I feel sure!

Good luck 73 Richard

PS I cant reply with the TS120v as it predates the WARC bands and only covers 80-40-20-15-10 (and only then with some wiggling of the bandswitch)

Is anyone else from the club coming Simon, or is it just you, me and Jimmy? Note that although the original meet-up time at the parking spot was 10am, I have pulled this forward to 9am. Even so, you alerted yourself for 12pm - I will be long gone by then!

The beauty of being a SOTA activator on CW is that everyone dances to your tune and operates at your speed. Enjoy.


Les: I learned to 5 WPM in the RAF shortly after Samuel had invented the concept of the dot and dash and have been half heatedly re-learning since I got my amateur license 3 years ago but now I have put an alert on I have to do it.

Richard: Now I am the proud owner of a BHIII I will surely be giving that an airing on Sunday on a band that you can hear :slight_smile:

Tom: I am hoping that Greg, Andy and maybe Mark will come but who knows. I have moved my alert forward a little. New radio/aerial so I might need a while to get going.

In reply to M0TGT:

Les: I learned to 5 WPM in the RAF shortly after Samuel had invented

In the RAF before powered flight! How precocious.

Simon - you are remembering to post your alert times in UTC and not local (BST) aren’t you?


In reply to M1EYP:

I love that joke “what’s the time in Zulu?”

In reply to M0TGT:

In reply to M1EYP:

I love that joke “what’s the time in Zulu?”

Google is your friend :wink:


sithini isikhathi?

Roger G4OWG