Gummer's How, G/LD-050, 06/06/2020

My go-to summit was beckoning on Saturday, and thankfully the weather men over-estimated the precipitation. The wind, however, was spot-on and ensured a comical tarpaulin deployment. Will I ever become proficient at deployment?

Today I took the KX3, a LifePo4 4.2AH battery, Sotabeams Quadbander (with 60m not 30m) and SOTABeams 10m compact travel pole. The pole once again proved a good match against the strong, gusty wind. The tarp stopped the windchill.

20m was working nicely with my 10-15 watts. Headphones necessary as the KX3 speaker is no match for wind noise. No rain here but it was reassuring to have the tarp given downpours to the East.

I very much enjoyed my six S2S contacts. Leszek @SQ9MDF was an especially nice contact on 60m, and not easy to complete.

Time Callsign STX SRX Freq SOTA Ref
1200 sp9ma/p 55 59 14.315 sp/bz-002
1205 sp9bij/p 41 55 14.315 sp/bz-013
1206 hb9eaj/p 43 58 14.315 hb/zh-014
1214 ha2pp/p 54 56 14.315 ha/kd-010
1243 sq9mdf/p 41 41 5.391 sp/bz-044
1301 ok/om1ws/p 55 55 14.272 ok/zl-013

The air clarity made views spectacular. I regretted not taking my Panasonic TZ-70 with 40x zoom. Heasham Power Station and Blackpool Tower were very clear. My £99 Android phone has no zoom, but coped well otherwise.

Westerly view towards Old Man of Coniston

@G8CPZ Andy had let me know that Exercise Blue Ham was being run by instructors on 60m.

On the dates above the Royal Air Force Air Cadets (RAFAC) will be organising and running a military style National Radio Exercise named ‘ EXERCISE BLUE HAM ’ other users may be the Army Cadet Force (ACF), Sea Cadet Corps (SSC) or Combined Cadet Force (CCF) Staff and some Cadets. To make this successful we would like to invite all Full Licenced Amateur Radio Operators to take part and make contact with our ‘Special Edition Callsigns’ during the weekend.

It was great to get MRE82 in the log, and I broke through the formalities to have a nice chat. I didn’t hear many stations on.

The other highlight was an unexpected chase from @AC1Z Bob in New Hampshire who did a great job picking up my 10 watts on 20m.

Trees indicating the prevailing wind direction is definitely Westerly!

The stay at home contest was buzzing on 20m and would have proved fun to participate in (when I worked out the serial was in fact operator age) but I had run out of time. Thank you to all chasers and activators for my contacts today.

More photos here.

Time Callsign Band Mode Notes
11:55 OK1VEI/P 14MHz SSB N: Pavel WWFF: OKFF2272
11:56 SP5ZIM/P 14MHz SSB
11:58 EA2DT 14MHz SSB
11:59 HB9CZR 14MHz SSB
12:00 SP9MA/P 14MHz SSB
12:01 DL8DXL 14MHz SSB N: Fred
12:02 EA1DHB 14MHz SSB
12:02 IN3ADF/P 14MHz SSB N:Mario
12:03 IU1KGS 14MHz SSB
12:05 SP9BIJ/P 14MHz SSB
12:06 HB9EAJ/P 14MHz SSB
12:08 DJ5AV 14MHz SSB
12:09 AC1Z 14MHz SSB QTH: New Hampshire
12:09 OH3GZ 14MHz SSB
12:10 G4IPB 14MHz SSB
12:11 IU1KGS 14MHz SSB
12:11 SV1RVJ 14MHz SSB
12:14 HA2PP/P 14MHz SSB
12:16 DG4NAT 14MHz SSB N: Thomas TRX: TS570 PWR: 100 ANT: 10 elem ant
12:25 G0RQL 7MHz SSB
12:28 DL2DXA 7MHz SSB
12:40 G0FEX 5MHz SSB TRX: FT-817 PWR: 5
12:43 SQ9MDF/P 5MHz SSB
12:44 MW0OFA 5MHz SSB N: Frank QTH: Cardigan
12:52 MRE82 5MHz SSB MHL: IO94ta PWR: 30 TRX: Clansman PRC320 ANT: Dipole ANTD: East/West WX: Showers
13:01 OK/OM1WS/P 14MHz SSB
13:12 2E0ESY 3.5MHz SSB N: Mike QTH: Norfolk
13:13 ON4CB 3.5MHz SSB
13:14 GW4VPX 3.5MHz SSB N: Allan
13:31 RW1F 14MHz SSB CON: S@H STX: 51 SRX: 62
13:52 2E0MOW 144MHz FM
14:05 G6LKB 144MHz FM
14:07 G8CPZ 144MHz FM PWR: 5

SP/BZ-060 in my area also warm. 60m can surprise you. TNx


Thanks for the photo @SQ9MDF Leszek, always great to see where others are operating from for S2S!