G's number 1 .. a pot noodle .. and a soaking!

Activation report of ‘Scafell Pike’ G/LD-001 - Saturday 22nd October 2022

G(W)4BML/p & XYL

Little Lyra’s Aunty wanted to take her out for the day, so Martha and myself decided to take a journey across the border and activate England’s highest SOTA peak ‘Scafell Pike’ G/LD-001.

It was an early start leaving the home QTH at 06:30 BST heading in the North direction. Approximately 2 hours had past where we decided to stop off for a full English breakfast, this was good summit fuel !

After another 2 hours of driving, we reached our destination - Wasdale Head national trust car park. As Martha and myself are both National Trust members, parking was free! We chucked our hiking gear on, extended our poles and off to go go go it was…… the route taken follows:

We began by following a fast running stream which looked to be coming down the mountain at a fair pace! The Lake District had definitely seen some rain over the past few days! The path we took was known as the tourist route, so you can imagine how worn and easy to follow it was:

After reaching the half way point, we sheltered under a rock to have some bait - the wind was pretty fierce the further up we got but this didn’t affect the mountain sheep, they were still standing strong grazing in the distance:

After trampling over muddy rocks and through deep puddles, we ended up hitting the mist and seeing no further that 10ft in front of ourselves. It was a matter of follow the track and check the GPS making sure we were on the correct path!

Just out of nowhere the wind blew the mist to a side for a brief second and the summit trig was in view :slight_smile: we had made it!

I managed to find a small Cairn to sit in which sheltered us both from the howling wind and damp misty fog.

The 6m tactical mini pole was erected in the mist with the EFHW antenna attached. My choice of radio was the reliable KX2 using the 14.8v Li-ion battery pushing 12w out.

I began by calling CQ SOTA on 60m managing to work 9 stations itl. I then moved over to 40m and had a nice pile-up adding a further 25 stations to my log with one being a S2S - thanks Robert @M0RWX who was down south on G/DC-002. I finished off on 2m FM only managing 4 itl.

The wx was getting colder, so a hot pot noodle had to be made on summit :ok_hand: believe me, we both enjoyed it!

Once we were all packed up, a summit selfie was had and we then made a run for our descent.

On our way down the heavens opened and we witnessed torrential rain and hail, this didn’t put us off as we’d had a lovely day together :slight_smile:

Just as we reached the bottom, blue sky appeared from above the mist and the sun showed itself briefly for a nice photo to finish the day off:

A great day had up North, challenging wx but we both thoroughly enjoyed our day in G land. I’d like to thank everyone from the SOTA community who called into me, great support as per normal! Sorry I never managed to operate on 20m, the wx took a turn for the worse and Martha was getting pretty cold!

Until next time, 73, G(W)4BML/p Ben & Martha


Vy nice report! And pictures.

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No Welsh Cakes Ben?


Hi Ben and Martha, thanks for sharring your ativation report with photos. Great selfy of you and Martha :grinning:

cheers, Geoff vk3sqj

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Nice report and photos mate.

And it must be nice to be there with your partner too. I took mine once with me, but she struggled a lot and said she won’t go anymore.

Since you carry the stove, I highly recommend you try out chilli and rice from Go Outdoors. I never leave without at least one pouch. Makes for a nice treat once you reach the summit :smiley: .


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Great report Ben.

I’ve done that route from Wasdale once but much prefer the approach from Seathwaite on the other side, which incorporates the famous “Corridor Route”.

I’ve done the Pot Noodle thing on summit before, but not with a stove - I do the “lazy” version with a flask full of hot water!

That breakfast looks familiar - Lymm Truck Stop by any chance?


Hi Ben,
This is a great report again with pictures full of atmosphere. It is always entertaining to read your reports. THANKS for sharing! :clap: :+1:

73 Peter, DM7KN


Surely a Tebay breakfast! Unless Ben drives exceedingly slow and only reached Lymm in the first 2 hours. Had a few Tebay breakfasts in my time, but earlier in the day… usually had to wait for service to start. :grinning:

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Many thanks for an excellent report Ben and I am pleased that you enjoyed your day.

Seemingly very much par for the course. I’ve never experienced a view from either Snowdon and Scafell Pike. I wonder what the Ben will produce for me when I get to do it. :joy:

Many thanks for the 40m contact. The KX2 sounds great. :grinning:

73, Gerald


Yes, probably right. Though the lack of haggis on that plate threw me off the scent.

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It was purchased and demolished at The Good Breakfast in ‘Charnock Richard Northbound Services’ on the M6 :slight_smile:


I used to favour that one in my early SOTA days. But not since I discovered Lymm or Tebay!

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So here’s your next challenge Ben - all seven G* association summits:


You’re part way there already of course!


Hi Martha and Ben,

a fine report, thanks a lot. Looking at the pictures it’s easy to imagine the vibes.

And I saw you are using gear from MOUNTAIN EQUIPMENT, a fine stuff. I’m using a few pieces for the last years and was pleased.

73, Ludwig

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That’s one thing we forgot on this trip. Will deffo pack them for the Ben :slight_smile:


Hahaa, funny you should say that. I purchased the ‘Full breakfast’ from there a few months ago, that tasted good! Will certainly try your suggestion out next :slight_smile: - thank you!

73, GW4BML. Ben

Thank you very much all :slight_smile: it was a great day out walking the mountains again!

73, GW4BML. Ben

Thanks Gerald, it was great to make the qso :slight_smile: I’m really pleased with the KX2 - it’s so easy to set up, really small and light weight and does the job at ease :+1:

73, GW4BML. Ben

I’m hoping to activate the Ben before the end of this year, maybe GD/GD-001 as well, we’ll see how many days holiday I have left and what the wx is like :slight_smile:


Thanks Ludwig for your kind words - I find Mountain Equipment to be a great brand and it actually does what it says on the tin… keeps me dry :slight_smile:

Take care and 73, GW4BML. Ben

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You have a job? How do you manage all these activations? And you have a family.