Great TransAtlantic Conditions for QRP!

This has been a fun morning here in “the black hole” of the upper midwestern US with excellent conditions to Europe. In just the last hour or so I’ve worked the following SOTA activators while running 5 watts on my side:
10 meters: G4OOE/P, HB9BQU/P, M0VAZ/P (SSB), G8CPZ/P, and EA3AAV/P
15 meters: LZ2AF/P and DL2DXA/P

Thanks for activating and pulling my QRP signal out from the pile-ups! It’s great to see the improving transatlantic propagation!

Randy, ND0C


Amazing! I heard you chasing EU on 10M with your 589 signal here in NY. 73! Mike WB2FUV


Randy and Mike, thanks for your 10m CW QSOs today. [10W KX2 to Chameleon MPAS Lite vertical]

We seem to be out of the summer doldrums now and I’ve found 10m dx has improved a lot this month resuming the N/A contacts that seemed routine last winter and early spring.



I managed a flyby activation of Struie hill , GM/NS-138 yesterday. Only 4 QSO’s but two were Transatlantic on 10m and one of those was s2s to KC1RID on W1/DI-002. I was very happy with that.


Thanks for chasing me, Randy! It was nice suprise for hane in my log on the summit(105ITL)! Cuagn! 73 de Rumen/LZ2AF (10Watts, Inverted V 6 m high at the centre, ALT-512)

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Nice to get a contact with you on Struie Hill, Andy and also pleased to work Rumen @LZ2AF on the 17th.

All the activators out there, plus the recent propagation, are making the chasing so fun, I have to mute the HamAlert app to get anything done around here!

Count of EU chases over the last couple weeks, the vast majority of which were on 10 m:

Sat 05 OCT: 16
Sun 06 OCT: 15
Wed 09 OCT:  3
Thu 10 OCT:  6
Sat 12 OCT: 13
Sun 13 OCT:  6 (travelling most of the day)
Mon 14 OCT:  3
Tue 15 OCT:  5
Wed 16 OCT: 12
Thu 17 OCT: 16
Fri 18 OCT:  8
Sat 19 OCT: 15
Sun 20 OCT:  3 (slept in!)

Hoping to make it out for an activation soon, either this Sat. or 2 NOV for the S2S party.



Me too :laughing: but you were first in my log.
Also managed KC1NDQ on 10m AM with only 25W (plus some others in the UK)

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Thanks for chasing me on 10m, Randy! Your signal was very nice near de mediterranean coast. My rig Elecraft KX-2 and a Doublet wire antenna on a 6m fishing pole.
See you again soon!
Ramon, EA3AVV

PS-My callsign is EA3AVV, not AAV

Hello Ramon! Sorry for the late reply to your post - I haven’t checked the reflector for many months! Thank you for the contact - I have your call corrected.

Randy, ND0C