Great Orme GW/NW-070 The Sequel

Well, I found myself back in Llandudno again, after another visit to one of my suppliers. Chance to do a bit of HF from Great Orme on the way back home.

Took the Antron 99 and some 5ft poles. There was a stiff breeze on the summit and getting the A99 erected was a nightmare, taking about 25 minutes.

I decided on the 15m band as it has been the source of some excellent DX at both my home qth and the clubhouse over the last few days. I’m a total 15m junkie and since being licenced.this is the one band that has paid me dividends galore.

Heard a very strong JQ1QKK Kita, working a pile-up and gave him a shout. Got him on the first call with 10 watts, receiving a 59+ signal report. I dropped the power to 5 watts and got a 5/8. He was astonished to find out I was using a CB antenna and just 5 watts. Three more Japanese stations followed to qualify the summit.

Seems Marc G0AZS theory of a mixture of sea water and a vertical was right on the money today. Calls into Russia and then a very nice contact with Kang HL5NLQ, into South Korea, who interrupted his pile-up to talk about my CB antenna and the number of “Ms” in my callsign. Further calls into the USA, Canada, Bali Island, Indonesia, France and a few more DXCCs…Oh and Bob G6ODU! Dunno how he does it?

73 Mike

In reply to 2E0YYY:
Well…Congratulations Mickey.
Qualifying the summit on just JA stations is a sight for sore eyes…very well done.
It just goes to prove that all you need is an old scrappy CB ariel, 10 Watts and an unusual callsign - and a bit of luck.
Well done to Bob who always pops up all over the band!