Granite Peak! No Camping, One Day Push! Summits On The Air Activation!

I am starting to learn alot of the regular chasers calls and voices. It was great to hear from you all! This summit was a strugglefest.
Granite Peak Activation With K9ROB


Congrats for the accomplishment!
I saw your SSB spot, went to the frequency and heard nothing from you. Shame!
I waited for a CW spot to appear, but it looks like that never happened. Don’t worry, I perfectly understand your time constrains and the top priority of getting out of there safely.
I’ll have to wait for a next activation :slight_smile:
Well done!
Thanks for the report.



I wanted to go cw mode so bad but I was already in such a bad spot with time. Looking forward to next one and catching you on the air. Thanks for watching!

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My apologies about the editing of the video. I need to step up my edit game big time, either that or stop drinking while editing :joy:

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Thanks for the contacts from the highest peak in Montana, one of our most favorite states. Great job getting up there and back safely.

Gary A. - W0MNA

Gary, it was great to hear from you again. Thanks for taking the time to chase and watch. I would like to say it was easy getting up there and back in one day… but…

Nice Video Rob!

Gives a good feel for what it takes to do a tough one.
Just putting the antenna up is hazardous!

All Best, Ken K6HPX

Thanks for watching! if you look in the video you can see i did not even bother with the guy wire. I was too tired and simply needed some shade =] It was great hearing from you up there!


Well done! I just caught up with the video. You were very proud and relieved at the end of it. Did you downclimb the ascent route?

Can’t believe you got ssb dx into France with your wire about 3’ up! Although, Chris F4WBN seems to be able to pull it out of the hat no matter how bad things are!
Great climb and activation.

73, Fraser


Thanks for watching! Yes I down climbed the ascent. Most people use a rope for the way down, I felt the difficulty of the climbing was far enough below my skill level falling was not an option. It worked out =] Such a fun summit, not easy though, was very challenging for me. F4WBN is amazing! We are QSO on most summits now! Good to hear from you Fraser, stay well.

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