Graffiti in the mountains

I found this rather nice piece of art on my way up to W6/CT-212 earlier today.


We can’t stop here, this is bat country.


Heh Heh, I wonder if he has his QRP SOTA rig in that briefcase ???
Or is that a likeness of YOU ?

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It’s Hunter S. Thompson, the world’s first “Gonzo Journalist”.

Elliott, K6EL



Thanks Elliott and know I’m aware of a piece of obscure US culture…very cool.


Graffiti has been going on for some time, (Thanks to old west website):
" The oldest known of which (so far) is cave art found on an Indonesian island dating to some 45,000 years ago."

I remember.

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Nice shot, Paul, with snow in the background.

Thanks Ken. Cucamonga is the high point and Ontario tucked into the left all making up great summer hikes in the San Gabriels.

Sadly, Baldy lurking behind them is a draw for those that seem to terminate early. 10, 20 deaths in last 2 years…kind of sad. majestic but potentially dangerous to optimists.


Last May we visited a few of the summits in Angus and Aberdeenshire including The Buck GM/ES-039 which was a boggy slog from the road but with some rocks on the top

I made myself comfortable in a cleft below the trig point, wedged the dipole and started calling. Meanwhile the weather improved and the sun shone on the rocks below me and I suddenly saw some marks which I hadn’t noticed before.

We had become very intrigued by the Pictish stone carvings in the area and would like to think that these fish date from that period although I realise the initials aren’t in character! Please don’t shatter my illusions Fraser MM0EFI as I was thrilled to make this ‘discovery’ . Along with 16 contacts in the log (9 2m and 7 70cm, including a 1st activation from MM7MOX on both bands) AND the bog was much drier than expected, this was a good day out!
73 Viki M6BWA