I just tried to upload my GPX track files, there seems to be an issue:
Could you assist me with this?
Thank you for your help.
Sabrina HB3XTZ
I just tried to upload my GPX track files, there seems to be an issue:
Could you assist me with this?
Thank you for your help.
Sabrina HB3XTZ
HI Sabrina
The MT member who looks after the SMP will probably contact you, however just to say I uploaded 3 GPX tracks last night (Friday) without a problem.
73 de Phil G4OBK
Hi Sabrina,
I guess upload as .zip file is the problem.
It should be a .gpx file.
Or maybe that is just an internal compression used by SMP.
73 Joe
Hi Joe
I exported them from my logger software as GPX as I always do. I never had this issue before…
I also tried to close the page and reupload, but this did not change anything.
The last error in the list looks like a database error msg.
73 Sabrina
The red number for the point count might be the hint.
Maybe use GPSBabel to reduce number of points? Recently tracks with a lot of points caused issues.
73 Joe
Hi Sabrina, send me the gpx file, anryan at Gmail. My guess is a bad altitude point (something about NaN in the altitude Field in the error message)
Hi Sabrina, after a bit of testing, I think the problem came down to umlauts in the filename. In any case, the file handling is a bit more robust, and this should now be fixed.
Hi Andrew
Whoops ok, i will keep that in mind for the future. I will try to upload again tomorrow.
Thank you for your help!
73 Sabrina
The old database got badly bitten allowing non-ASCII chars into filenames. It’s 2020 (2018 at the time) and Windows/Linux have supported unicode chars in filenames for a long, long time. But as soon as I allowed an association name to be non-ASCII… boom! We found the utility that hadn’t got the message that people other than British/Americans used computers. The database was fine, it was zip that broke.
Hi Andy
I think in the file names it is no problem to stay away from the äüöé etc. I assume it would be a bigger issue if this happened to acctual names, where you can not expect everyone to write their names as ä= ae ö=oe etc. But maybe you could do some kind of normalisation of the data before you do the insert.
73 Sabrina
Hi Andrew
It still showed the error but i simply removed the special chars and now it worked.
73 Sabrina