GPX track showing the best operating spot for G/TW

Would any activators like to recommend their favourite operating position for G/TW-005 and either upload a GPX track themselves displaying it or give me a OS grid reference so I can upload a GPX file for the summit on their behalf.

I have already uploaded files to the mapping project for G/TW-001 to G/TW-004 but having only operated from TW-005 roadside on one occasion, I am unable to provide a GPX track for the database to complete the set of five TW summits.

For the two roadside activations quoted for TW-004 I needed to create a short track from the A166 finishing at the two suggested operating points to comply with the mapping project, which needs several points for a track to be accepted.

73 Phil G4OBK
G/TW Region Manager

In reply to G4OBK:

Phil, use the “Draw track” tools in the Mapping Project, maybe? A few minutes playing around should give you a reasonably accurate track (+/- a few feet) - there’s a help file to give you a start…


In reply to G4OBK:

Hi Phil,

To be perfectly honest, for working VHF vertical, I wouldn’t recommend any of the TW’s …with TW-002 Cringle Moor, being easily the best of a bad bunch and by a country mile, TW-003 Gisborough Moor the worst place I’ve EVER operated from. There has not been too many summits that have given my triple 5/8 colinear a hard time, however, Gisborough Moor holds this accolade :frowning:

What looks to be the best operating place for TW-005 Normanby Top, the road which overlooks Drax Power Station, seems to be be outside the AZ.

On the three occasions I’ve activated Normanby Top, its always been close to the golf ball.

73 Mike

In reply to DM1CM:
Yes Rob, I can try that for sure but I wanted an idea from recent activators as to where the best place is to pitch up away from the public road on that “summit”.

73 Phil

In reply to 2E0YYY:
Thanks Mike, I’ll see what comes in from anyone else. Can you give me an accurate grid ref? Close to the golf ball could mean anywhere. Is the golf ball at the place on the map marked as “Radar Station” with the mast symbol at grid ref TF 124961? I see at that point a track goes south. I can look at this on Google Street View.

73 Phil

In reply to G4OBK:

Apologies Phil. Yes the by golf Ball, I mean Radar Station.

Sorry I don’t have the references. Dave G4ASA who is in Ireland at the moment almost certainly will. Dave operates slightly further down the road and I’m sure his box of tricks will have the details. Space is at a real premium on the roadside unless you enter the field where the trig point is situated. However, AIUI, there is no PROW or CROW to the trig and the first time I activated it, there was what looked like an organised shoot going on in the fields behind the Radar Station.

73 Mike

Caroline and I operated from TF12689669, close to one of the places where the 1:25000 map says “Pit (dis)”. Elevation about 161m. There are convenient fenceposts and I found plenty of space for the HF dipole at the field edge (though the back guy might have been awkward if there had been a crop in the field).

We wanted to make a decent walk of it, so parked at TF11049911 and made a near circular route with only a short there-and-back section at the end - 5.3km outbound and 3.5km return. It was a pleasant walk through the disused chalk quarry.

I think it is sometimes forgotten that there is no rule requiring the use of the closest possible parking place for a summit. Starting a bit further away often leads to a more worthwhile experience.

I’ll investigate uploading our GPS track.

Martyn M1MAJ

In reply to M1MAJ:
Thank for providing what seems to be a good operating position on a public right of way off the road. I found the spot where the Pit (dis) is shown. If a track doesn’t appear in the database from you in a few days time I will add it myself from where the PRoW meets the B road. Point taken about making a decent walk of it.

73 Phil G4OBK