Got my Pico Paddle today

I very much like my Palm Mini Paddle – except for the proprietary 3-pronged connector at the paddle, which has caused me problems with intermittent operation in the past (and I have already had to replace the cable).

Today I took delivery of my new Palm Radio Pico Paddle

Besides the very small size and weight, what’s great is that it now uses a 2.5 mm mini stereo plug at the paddle, and a standard 3.5 mm stereo plug at the other end. This should be much more reliable in the field.

Can’t wait to try it on my next SOTAs!


In reply to HB9DST:
Hi Paul,

That looks great! I too have had problems with the connector on my Palm Mini Paddle. Do you know the cost of the pico compared to the mini ?

73 Andrew G4AFI

In reply to HB9DST:
Paul, thanks for the interesting news.
Was this new beauty in use this morning (see spots 08:12 ff) … ;-))
73 es gl,
Heinz HB9BCB

That looks great! I too have had problems with the connector on my
Palm Mini Paddle. Do you know the cost of the pico compared to the
mini ?

Hi Andrew,
The Swiss distributor is charging the same for both paddles: CHF 107.00 plus shipping.

Note: the supplied cable (with solid looking connectors! – and the cable is thinner and more flexible) is about 60 mm, but I’d like a longer one (so I don’t have to sit immediately adjacent to the radio go-box at all times and can relax on a bench or stump or whatever). I’m checking if Palm can make me a custom cable 1.5m long.


Was this new beauty in use this morning (see spots 08:12 ff) … ;-))
73 es gl,
Heinz HB9BCB

Hi Heinz,
That wasn’t me!!! No activations for me today! I’ve been chained to my desk all day. Did somebody copy/post the wrong call? I hope so, because I hate to think a pirate is using my call…

Paul HB9DST (the real one)

In reply to HB9DST:

I’m checking if Palm can make me a custom cable 1.5m long.

Can you not make your own? 2.5mm stereo jack to 3.5mm stereo jack, that’s hardly rocket science? Or buy a stereo headphone extension lead, 3.5mm socket ot 3.5mm jack from your local cheap Chinese Electro-tat Bazaar.


Can you not make your own? 2.5mm stereo jack to 3.5mm stereo jack,
that’s hardly rocket science? Or buy a stereo headphone extension
lead, 3.5mm socket ot 3.5mm jack from your local cheap Chinese
Electro-tat Bazaar.

Hi Andy,
Yes, I could kluge one together, but it wouldn’t be as rugged. I’m willing to pay a few CHF for higher reliability. I do have a 3.5/3.5 mm extension cord, but it’s tooooo long to suit my taste – and another thing to lose or forget to pack. The fewer things the better…


In reply to HB9DST:
Hallo Paul. Congrats. SUPER** 73 vLAD

In reply to HB9DST:

107CHF for both paddles… ?? That is 85euro…

… …


In reply to ON6UU:
my understanding is the 107 CHF is for the Pico Paddle (box including).
The webpage of Palm Radio should reflect the update by end of this month.

And I had a Pico paddle in my fingers last night. Very nicely done!

73 de Dominik, HB9CZF

PS: I’ll stick to my Mini-Paddle for SOTA acitvations. It works better with gloves on :slight_smile: and yes, it snowed down to 1500m last night.

I was excited by reports of a new Palm Paddle key being available, so I decided I’d have to get my hands on one.I had a chat with my XYL and it was agreed that I could be allocated funds to buy myself a treat :slight_smile:

As luck would have it, Richard G3CWI, the guy behind SOTAbeams gave a presentation about portable operating at my local radio club a few weeks ago, and he brought along a selection of his products, including some of the new Palm keys along with the Code Cubes.

(BTW - the talk is highly recommended, just the right balance of information without overkill for those with only a passing interest in portable ops)

I selected the black Pico Paddle (to match my FT817 and original Mini Paddle) and parted with the hard won cash. My initial impressions were that you don’t get an awful lot for your money! I had been aware of the high suggested retail price for quite some time and had come to terms with it, so I was pleased to be able to buy the key from SOTAbeams at substantially less than RRP.

Richard had pointed out at time of purchase that the key is actually wired different to that conventionally used, requiring use of a firmware setting available in most transceivers to swap over the ‘dit’ and ‘dah’ paddles. My only commercial rig is an FT817, the rest of my radios are home brew or built from kits with no firmware options to swap over the key response. My main reason for buying the Pico paddle is to use with my KD1JV Designs Mountain Topper QRP 2 band CW rig. I didn’t really want to start changing the wiring of the key sockets in my rigs so the easiest option was to make up a custom cable for the paddle key.

My original ‘Mini’ (Pico’s bigger sibling) Paddle’s cable failed during a very cold winter activation (the cable got brittle and snapped!), so I ordered a batch of 3.5mm plug to 3.5mm plug stereo audio cables for very little money and picked up some 3 pin molex type PCB connectors from Maplin at 99p each. I simply chopped off the plug from one end of the audio cable and soldered on the 3 pin connector instead. Using some heat shrink to tidy things up a bit, the new cable looked very professional and as a bonus was much thinner and more flexible than the original cable. I’ve been using my home brew cable for over a year now with no complaints.

I had a spare stereo 3.5mm cable left over from the ‘Mini’ paddle project, so for the new ‘Pico’ key, I simply ordered a 2.5mm stereo plug and soldered this on, swapping over the tip and ring connections. My Pico key is now wired in the ‘conventional’ way with ‘dit’ at the tip and ‘dah’ at the ring. Using a cable already terminated with a 3.5mm plug results in a neater looking cable as moulded-on plugs always look better!

I tried my Pico out for the first time on Monday from Arnside Knott G/LD-058 with my MTR (Mountain Topper), I was very impressed with this little key. I didn’t get the hang of it straight away, although I’m sure with a couple of activations I’ll be fine. The main difference I find between the Pico and the Mini is that it’s much harder to hold the smaller key in your hand whilst sending. I think I’ll find some way of using the magnetic base to secure the key to a board or similar for sending.

I think I’m going to be using the ‘Pico’ a lot, I love the fact that it hardly weighs anything and it fits in a standard Altoids tin along with the cable, logging pencil, and, all important, pencil sharpener! I haven’t weighed the supplied case yet for comparison with the Altoids tin, but it seems silly to have such a tiny key in the standard ‘mini’ key case, it looks lost in there!


The Pico seems like a very good key, weighs hardly anything and looks very nice, but is rather expensive and like the ‘Mini’ paddle, the cable situation is not ideal. If you’ve got a commercial rig or high end kit (e.g. Elecraft) then you’re OK with standard 3.5mm to 2.5mm cables, but otherwise you’ll have to find your own solution.



If interested…i have single lever paddle availble for 15€ without postage… :slight_smile:


In reply to ON6UU:


That is a very nice single lever paddle. If it is still available, I am interested. Can you take PayPal? Just let me know the total cost with shipping to the USA. Please reply direct to

Mike N5JKY
Oklahoma City