Good Friday week in GM West Highlands

I decided to try to activate some of the remaining unactivated Corbetts (Scottish Mountains of 2,500ft to 2,999ft with 500ft of reascent on all sides).

Sue and I booked a week in a self catering cottage in Balmacara, just east of Kyle of Lochalsh which is the village at the mainland end of the bridge to the Isle of Skye.

Sunday 13th April 2014
Rained and stormed off. Got soaked just walking around Plockton. Spoke to a couple of the very friendly locals on Skye on 2m FM.

Monday 14th April 2014 - Aonach Buidhe GM/WS-114 899m

This rather remote hill can be reached by cycling up the private estate road from the car park at NG 940 303. The Estate is to be commended for providing this free facility.

The route to Iron Lodge (NH 042 294) is simple to follow and tarmaced for the first third. After that there is a good gravel track. Plenty of highland cattle and deer to see (or avoid depending on your point of view).

Leaving the bikes near Iron Lodge we followed the right of way path, over an excellent foot bridge, past the steep blunt ridge of Aonach Buidhe until we could outflank the steeper front approach. We climbed steep grassy slopes until we turned onto the main slope around NH 052 306. Continued up easy slopes to the summit. No path after you leave the valley. Good summit cairn but no antenna support.

I tried 2m FM, 2m SSB, 60m SSB and 40m SSB. Planned to do 20m SSB as well… more of that later!

1 contacts on 2m FM to the Isle of Harris.
11 contacts on 40m SSB, including 2 summit to summit.

I was then adjusting the antenna for 20m when the wind got up and I dropped the mast. Sue was cold and so was I (secretly), so we beat a retreat.

First activation of this hill complete. Easy walk back to the bikes and then the cycle out. No records on this day - 10 hours car to car!

Weather improved throughout the day as light overcast gave way to sun. Cold wind.

Radio Equipment used/carried.
FT-857; SOTABeams linked dipole 60m, 40m, 20m; 7AH LiFePO4 battery; FT270; SOTABeams MFD.
Variable power used from 20W to 50W.

Monday 15th April 2014 - Sgurr an Airgid GM/WS-154 841m

I was surprised this hill was still unactivated. It is relatively easy to do, with a good path and fairly short, allowing for the sea level start and 800+m of ascent.

We parked at the large parking area for the Clan burial site at NG 946 212. Crossed the road and through the gate. Followed the straightforward track up to the col at NG 956 229. Turned west and headed for the obvious summit ridge ahead. Outflanked the rocky ridge on the right (north side) to reach the summit ridge. Continued to trig point, good antenna support. Unusually good path for a Corbett.

I tried 60m SSB and 40m SSB.

4 contacts on 40m SSB, including 1 summit to summit. Rather slow work with tricky working conditions. Sue was cold and wanted to go down, so I didn’t try any other bands or modes.

First activation of this hill complete.

Sunny day, but a strong cold wind.

Radio Equipment used/carried.
FT-857; SOTABeams linked dipole 60m, 40m, 20m; 7AH LiFePO4 battery; FT270; SOTABeams MFD.
Variable power used from 20W to 50W.

Friday 18th April 2014 - Faochaig GM/WS-137 868m

Parked as for Aonach Buidhe on the Monday and cycled the same track to Carnach NH 026 282. Left the bikes here and followed the obvious stalkers path to the north. One slightly narrow section with quite a big drop around NH 024 289. Continued to the end of the path and then made my own route following the obvious stream valley up to the right. Crossed the stream around NH 021 305. Then picked a fairly straight route to the summit, tending slightly to the right. Good cairn on the summit. No antenna support.

I tried 2m FM, 2m SSB, 60m SSB, 40m SSB and 20m SSB.

3 contacts on 2m FM.
27 contacts on 40m SSB, including 1 summit to summit.

Weather was fine all day, with a cold breeze.

First activation of this hill complete.

Radio Equipment used/carried.
FT-857; SOTABeams linked dipole 60m, 40m, 20m; 7AH LiFePO4 battery; SOTABeams MFD.
Variable power used from 20W to 50W.

Saturday 19th April 2014 - Green Lowther GM/SS-056 732m

Grabbed this hill on the long drive south.

Parked as others have done at the foot of the private road that leads to the summit. Got the mountain bike off the car and rode for 45 minutes to the summit (OK, I did push the bits where it was actually as fast walking!).

6 contacts on 2m FM in 12 minutes and then a 15 minute return to the car.

The stark contrast of the ease of getting four points for this hill vs the other three was not lost on me! Maybe that is why they had not been activated! Hi hi.

Radio Equipment used/carried.
FT270; SOTABeams MFD. Power used 5W.

A nice trip the the Highlands.

Routes in SOTAMapping.
