GM/WS-003 & GM/WS-001 (Ben Nevis) 2m FM

Hi all

Just dropping by to say I plan to activate GM/WS-001 Ben Nevis and GM/WS-003 Carn Mor Dearg on Bank Holiday Monday. First activations this year.

I’m unsure what the 2m FM scene is like in this neck of the woods so thought I would drop a message on here to rustle up some chasers… will have my trusty 50w FTM100D with me.



It certainly isn’t the hotbed of VHF activity that is IO82, but them being so high with decent take-offs, I imagine you’d be fine to get 4 contacts, even just with a handheld.

Nonetheless, always a sensible idea to make sure that GM7PKT and crew are monitoring for you!


I activated Ben Nevis with 145-fm / 5 watts on 9th May 2016 and only had 3 contacts and was completely gutted so I activated the summit again 3 days later and again only had 3 contacts on 2m, however, I qualified the summit with another 36 contacts on hf.

Nick G(M)4OOE

Hi Nick, that must have been frustrating! I noticed your 3 QSO activation when trying to decide what to run. I’m using 50w so fingers crossed it’ll be OK! :crossed_fingers:

It was strange because I wrongly thought that I wouldn’t have any problems with my handheld and I thought that I had hf as a back up but I had the wrong connector so couldn’t use it! I made sure on the second visit that I had everything. It turned out well in the end as I had two great days weather wise but I did come down in a Coastguard helicopter but that is another story! Hopefully the extra power will do the job for you.


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Helicopter ride ey? Sounds interesting…!

Had a good trip, 2 metres turned out to not be an issue. Almost managed four on 70cms. Special thanks to @GM7PKT for helping spread the word amongst the locals.

The CMD arete was fun, if not easier than expected. No doubt a different beast in snow. Not counting time on the radio I completed the horseshoe in about 6h30m which I was pleased with. A view of my operating position from Carn Mor Dearg:



Jolly good! I always worry (as GM AM) when people from “darn sarf” come up here and find that 2m / 70cms is somewhat lacking in customers than they are used to. Looks like you had a good trip.


And another Deuter rucksack user!

I did almost reply to your rucksack post but it felt redundant. I have a Deuter Guide 45+ and generally rate it highly. It certainly takes a beating. Much more durable than my Osprey bags (although to be fair it is also much heavier).