GM/SS-235 It's getting parky up here

A day of “unbroken”(ish) sunshine has to be made maximum use of. Unfortunately a morning commitment meant we didn’t get to start going up a hill till after noon.

Kings Seat is quite convenient:

considering its less than 20 minutes from Asda in town it’s quite a pretty walk in, just don’t do it from this side (the east) as there isn’t an easy way up the “deep” heather.
Once on the top, it was quite spectacular, here’s a view of the shack:
It didn’t seem that cold at first… sorry if anyone missed us as we cut short the operating due to getting very sore hands, and that was in good gloves. No chance of using thinner gloves to write the log, it was too damn cold, heaven knows what its says… But in 30 minutes of operating we made 40 qsos, if anyone wants this one, I guarantee I’ll be back. Can’t wait to sit there in June with the barbecue going some evening (sun goes down at 22:15).

Walk down was the easier west route, it didn’t look as though the snow was as deep: Here’s Ian trying to decide which is worse, wading through 3 foot thick heather or wading through the 3 foot thick snow drifts which have filled up the gaps between. When we got back to the car it said -1.5 C, so I guess we can be forgiven for wussing out so soon.



Funny thing that day.
The propagation was better on 20 than 40 as mike commented on the spots.
Normally hear Scotland but not as loud as you were yesterday

Thanks again for the Sota and picys
